This is my wife Susan. The first picture is from her 50th - TopicsExpress


This is my wife Susan. The first picture is from her 50th birthday, when she wanted to show the kids she could still do a cartwheel! The second pic is from last year on our 25th wedding anniversary. She was determined to fit into her wedding dress! I think these two pics especially capture her spirit. The following cut and paste from her Facebook page further captures her spirit and her unbridled faith. Please pray for her and all of us as she undergoes her treatment. We appreciate the love so much. Heres Sue.... So we’ve encountered a bit of a plot twist kids…My surgery went so smoothly, I had the doctors a little surprised that I was up and moving and healing so fast. But we got the definitive biopsy report back two days ago and the docs were not expecting one out of the 16 lymph nodes to come back positive for cancer. :( Especially when there was no sign of cancer in the entire 12” section that was removed- So long story short, they sent original polyp for re-biopsy and did find a small amt. of cells that had turned malignant… and since it leaked into one node that means I need a course of Chemotherapy. It’s OK , it’s not a death sentence . My doctor said that this is not a bad case scenario, that he has seen a lot and that in his words “this will be a happy ending” So I’m hanging on to that. This is a known chemo recipe that they use for colon cancer that has a good cure rate and it is not as harsh as some of the other chemos. the Dr. recommends that I see how it effects me the first month (because everyone is a little different) then hopefully I’ll feel well enough to return to work. Not sure yet if they’re going with a 3 month or 6 month course. It’s all moving kinda fast, a lot of info to absorb. So here’s the rules: 1) You can and should approach me the same as always, I’m still the same “me” :) 2) You can say the word “cancer” in front of me, it’s not like Voldemort..I won’t give it that much power “Cancer schmancer!” just a scary word for a bunch of very different diseases and very different disease stages, some are curable some are not. 3) You can joke with me about it, I can find humor in just about anything, it is actually a balm for the soul. 4) You can hug me, I’m a hugger,I always have been. But most importantly I will need you to help pray me through this…I know there will be some scary, painful,uncomfortable moments….I have done scary,painful, and brave before this aint my first rodeo in that dept.…I know what I have to do …”I will lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” Your prayers, my friends, will help keep the peace in my soul. So I’m pulling’ up the boot straps and ready to dive in…Ready, Set, Go!! xoxo
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:23:47 +0000

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