This is perfect. I cant tell you how sad it is to know that girls - TopicsExpress


This is perfect. I cant tell you how sad it is to know that girls who were married a year ago are now already divorced, or worse those married several years. Marriage is for life, not just an event or something to do. You dont get married bc youre in love, bc slowly but sure you fall out of love. Its not that you dont love that person anymore, it just means the honeymoon is over and you realize everything that person does isnt perfect. But you still love them anyways. They are your partner, companion, best friend, the other half of your team. You love them despite everything you dont like. You love them bc amongst pointing out all their faults you forget that youre not perfect either, & theyre still standing next to you. You love them bc you choose to, not bc you have to. Im still learning all of this. Marriage isnt give and take, its give and keep giving. Even if you dont get anything in return , you give and give and hope your spouse gives back. But maybe they dont, maybe thats one of their flaws, but that doesnt mean divorce is the answer. In fact the complete opposite, it means you ARE the other half. You are the giver, them the receiver. You are the talker, they are the listener. We get married and divorced bc we want someone who is just like us, but over time we might realize we dont like ourselves so we point at our spouse and assume we dont like them bc they portray the sane traits you dislike about yourself. So we get divorced and get remarried and then that person slowly morphs into more of you and the cycle repeats. We must learn that it is OK to not like our spouse. To be completey annoyed and angry with them and its ok bc we ARE human. That its ok for our spouse to be the complete opposite. For them to have their own opinions and ways of thinking. We do change. But together you are the good the bad the ugly and the beautiful. You are everything they arent and they are everything youre not. You change and adapt together, as a couple, as a team. What works now might not work 5 years from now, so you change it. You fix it. You fix yourself and you fix your togetherness. You dont replace them. bc in the end all you have is each other and that is all that matters.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:17:40 +0000

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