This is really a big problem, and children are in trouble. they - TopicsExpress


This is really a big problem, and children are in trouble. they not only rewriting history but its just a matter of time before the youth will not have any idea how we became a Nation, who our founding fathers were. the flag, prayer, Ten Commandments, Bible, even speech etc are being taken away in schools and public buildings. are deemed offensive, you know whats offensive is liberals with a very severe intellectual disability that have been imposing their sick perverted thinking with a right of entitlement we have no choice anymore but to accept it. Our youth have a right to hear the truth and not be forced into a twisted version of history. they should be afforded an opportunity to be taught of form their their own minds and think for themselves. Not be lectured and be brainwashed into a certain belief.I do not know what the problem is in Washington. Whether it is a lack of courage unlike our for-fathers who had the courage to take a stand. Either way we cannot afford to rely on their judgment. It is evident that the seduction of power has overruled ethics and honor. Consciousness of right has left the building and has been replaced by personal gain. The breath of life for this nation must come from We the People. The same way our Founders fought with nothing more than muskets, lanterns and the will to be free. We must stand united to ignite that resolve. The Declaration of Independence ends with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence and a pledge to each other of their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. It was not a decision they made lightly, or backed away from when things got tough. They finished the job and established the greatest free nation on earth. It is up to us, it is our solemn duty to keep it. And yes our Nation was formed on Christian principles. I know a lot of people will disagree and thats expected and that would make you part of the problem, History doesnt change and you cant argue the facts well im sure some will but it will be your fictitious opinion.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:51:31 +0000

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