This is some justice for my self. It is not meant with any revenge - TopicsExpress


This is some justice for my self. It is not meant with any revenge or anything of that nature. I was treated appallingly by someone, and they know who they are. I have forgiven this person, but for myself and not for him... At no time did I encourage this person. I know not all are judgemental of the size of others, however, because of my size, I would not have even contemplated such behaviour in the first place... About 12 weeks after Roy had passed over, I received a phone call asking me if the person could call in for a coffee. Their child had a dental appointment that day. I obviously said it was fine... why would I not say it was fine! I had been receiving quite a few phone calls from this man, but I put them down as just a joke in fun... looking back, I had about 2 or 3 before Roy even died, but I made nothing of it! As soon as this man came in, I was agitated and anxious. I told him to get his own drink, and come and tell me what was up! I genuinely thought there was something the matter, as I knew their marriage was only one of convenience at that stage, for a child. I had admired them for staying together for the sake of that child. They would all come for Sunday lunch most Sundays. Anyway, I sat on the sofa with him, and he looked very lost and like he did not know where to begin. I did not expect what he said in a million years! He said SURELY YOU MUST KNOW HOW I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU? I answered that I did not know that; and that was the truth... I had caught him on a few occasions looking at me, but his wife was present, and to be honest, I took no notice as I thought he was just staring into space, that type of thing... looking back, obviously he was looking at me! Nothing happened between us that day, and I let him tell me things of what was happening at his home etc. I then sent him home. Things were strained after that, they came for Sunday lunch, but it was not spoken of again. I always made sure my surviving ex Sister in law was present, if the mans wife was not with him because of her work. She would often come on Sunday, as she had lost her Husband around the same time, that January. I was so upset one day when she came, it had caused a terrible strain on family gatherings for me. I told her what he had said... she said It sounds like Mills and Boon! and she said just forget it. I am not paranoid, but I felt on the odd occasion I was being watched I noticed a white car on one occasion when I was sat in the conservatory, over the field, close by and he had binoculars pointed in my direction... this went on for a few days. I had at that time, booked a reading with Steve M in our local village hall. His Son was a friend of the other mans Son... they would often bring him to his Sunday lunch as well. In a way, it is fair of me to say, he was friends with both sides... I had met Steve M on the air fields behind my house, but never had a reading with him. I am almost certain he did not even know his little lad came to ours for his lunch ... So, after the event of the man expressing his feelings... I went to meet Steve M... He was taping the reading. It had not been started long when he asked are you having an affair? I said most certainly not, I am recently widowed!... He got a complete blank at one point. If I say this myself, when I went in, the feeling was mutual as though we had known each other in a previous life... that strange feeling of de ja vu which had not really happened as we had previously passed over the air fields in Firbeck... the first time I met him, he had been in the woods meditating... my dog Noah fell at his feet and crawled to him... it was very moving... I did not know who he was at that point.. so when it was him who was in the village hall, I was more than surprised. Back to my reading... he said he had someone with him called Bill. Bill told him he was here for the safety of his family (me)... said tell her I was a desert rat... and some other things that he could not possibly have known, even from any of my in laws... My Uncle Bill put a massive block on Steve... next thing, there was a noise in the village hall kitchen like something had been knocked over... we both looked in the direction of the kitchen... Steve said to me... I THINK I HAVE BEEN SET UP! I told him not by me he hadnt... he asked me again if I was seeing a married relative and I said NO... He said just a minute... he went and erased the tape. Came back and asked if he could begin again, this time without the tape. I said yes.. After that, a few days later... I was asked by someone what had happened in my reading and what did he say!!!! Obviously, I said nothing to her... When I was threatened by someone that she was going to tell his wife... I phoned the other Sister of the wife. I told her what is written, about the man coming to me... I will not be blackmailed by anyone and if they attempt it, I will speak the truth. the other Sister made a mistake... when I said, I never hardly leave the house, and when I do its with my Mum to go shopping, as there were no buses running regularly... the answer was WE KNOW YOU NEVER GO OUT KIM! so who had been watching me, and who had set Steve M up? That was that... I had nothing more to do with any of them. Please also click on the 2 additions below.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 09:03:52 +0000

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