This is the CEO of Nestle - he thinks that water is NOT a human - TopicsExpress


This is the CEO of Nestle - he thinks that water is NOT a human right and wants you to pay for it! He is also head of the company that dresses up local women in third world countries in white coats (to make them look like medical staff) and sends them into hospitals to encourage moms to bottle feed (with Nestle of course). The moms are told that their babies will be healthier and its what western women do. The moms take one can of free formula - dilute it (because they cant afford to provide it at full strength) with dirty water (because they have no clean water available) and feed it to their babies in dirty bottles (again no sanitation). The baby gets sick and is hospitalized - mom is pregnant again because she isnt breastfeeding (breastfeeding is often the ONLY form of birth control in many nations).So now the cycle continues again and again - sick babies, hospital bills and a company making a fortune off the backs of mothers and children. Please check out this list of Nestle brands and consider boycotting them - . BTW - this guy also is a big supporter of Monsanto and pro GMO - an all around nice guy. PLEASE SHARE THIS. You can easily boycott foods by Nestle (or Monanto, etc) by using an app called Buycott - yuu use it to scan barcodes which will tell you the foods manufactuer and more info.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 04:25:42 +0000

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