This is the comment I sent to today. 23 March - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to today. 23 March 2014 Comment # 503 Barack below is my response to the email sent by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz; “Debbie you are lying. The republicans have only voted six times to repeal this POS legislation. As a matter of fact they have even some ideas to fix this mess. The problem is (and you know it) the Obamacare/the unaffordable Care Act can’t be fixed. Why don’t you just take a vacation and go offer some prayers at the Blue Mosque or something else that would be fitting to someone who is clueless.” I have stood on the floor of the House and watched Republicans vote more than fifty times to undermine, dismantle, or totally repeal the Affordable Care Act. As a cancer survivor, my heart sinks every single time. Tomorrow marks the four year anniversary of Obamacare -- thats something worth celebrating! But its also a time to be mindful of what were up against. More than five million Americans have already signed up for insurance through Obamacares health exchanges. Millions of women have access to cancer screenings and other preventive care without having to pay more. And up to 129 million Americans are like me -- people with pre-existing conditions who know the value of the security and relief that come with access to affordable health care. So before tomorrow, can you donate $10 or more to support Democrats who will never stop fighting for Obamacare? I hope youre proud of everything weve accomplished together over the past four years -- I know I am. Thanks, Debbie Debbie Wasserman Schultz Chair Democratic National Committee Joe Wilson was right and you proved it by telling legal immigrants they could sign up illegal immigrants for the Un Affordable Care Act. Barack you committed a crime when you made that statement. Resign so that the American people do not have to listen to more of your lies.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:38:26 +0000

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