This is the comment I sent to tonight. 11 - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to tonight. 11 June 2014 Comment # 583 Benghazi and Bergdahl Spin Barack the situations with Benghazi and Bergdahl are not the first spin jobs to come out of your administration. They have some commonality but there are some obvious differences in the way the scandals are unwinding. The obvious common thread of the two events is why the cover stories were developed. In both events you wanted to buy votes for upcoming elections. Although this is a common ploy for politicians, it is not usually done when lives have been lost. Barack since you have been in office, buying votes based on the loss of life has been common. You used the Gifford’s and Aurora shootings to insure the Second Amendment haters stayed on board. Even the Bergdahl vote buy has death involved it the death of those that searched for him is view as part of the event. Barack with or without the corpses, the common thread is vote buying. Barack we have the common thread out of the way, we must focus on why the scandals are unwinding. Here is a short list of reasons. 1. The main person assisting you in helping with the cover story. Hillary Clinton is a more accomplished prevaricator of untruths than John Kerry. Kerry got caught in the big lie about his time in the military. Hillary skated through Whitewater and her husband’s messes. Hillary also has skin in the game. She has to protect her shot at the White House. Kerry’s only skin in the game is self-preservation. 2. You have made too many blunders in the war on terror. You have tried to wish it away. Instead of terrorism going away, it is intensifying. Even Democrats do not have any faith in Kerry saying to worry about the Fab Five becoming a terrorist threat is “baloney” is baloney. The last time Kerry made a prediction about deaths involved Vietnam if the US pulled out. He said 5K maybe. 3.5 million Vietnamese dead when Ho Chi Minh and company took over the South. 3. You probably involved too many people in the Bergdahl mistake. 4. You can’t hide the truth forever. Welcome to the magical world of cell phone technology and tracking. 5. Not everyone in the Democratic Party is comparable to you, Clinton, Kerry, Wasserman-Schultz, Pelosi and Reid. Barack the truth is out there and it is beginning to look like all the cover people like Carney and Hagel and the rest of the Barackies are not going to be able to stop “we the people” from being set free of you. Resign!!!! The White House
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 03:47:26 +0000

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