This is the comment I sent to tonight. 12 June - TopicsExpress


This is the comment I sent to tonight. 12 June 2014 Comment # 584 Barack what will be your legacy? Barack as the months have ticked buy I have noticed you have kept the pressure on everyone to continue to develop new ways to enforce fundamental change. Today True the Vote sent me a note regarding HR 3899, The Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014. Barack I think HR 3899 truly defines what fundamental change is all about and what it means. The best way to identify what fundamental change means is to state what it is not. Fundamental Change isn’t: 1. Making sure everyone who is in the United States legally has the same chance of success. 2. Improving the economic status of all Americans through opportunity not mandate. 3. Providing a viable health care that does not bankrupt people. 4. Transparency in the Federal Government. 5. Leaders who respond to the needs of all Americans. 6. Ensuring the laws of the nation are completely and fairly enforced. 7. Protecting the borders from all invaders. 8. Equal protection under the law. 9. Insuring that all persons in the government uphold their oath of office. Fundamental Change is: 1. Preventing the United States from becoming energy independent. 2. Curtailing economic growth. 3. Making foreign policy decisions which have resulted in the deaths of thousands. 4. Making all decisions on how many votes you can buy. 5. Sacrificing national security for the expansion of social justice programs. 6. Using federal agencies and regulations to ruin people’s lives. 7. Making every effort to shred the Constitution. Barack I know I have left off a few what is and what isn’t. I have not left off the main what is fundamental change. The main fundamental change is telling the racial group that represents the majority of the citizens of the United States is that they will no longer receive equal protection under the law. Barack the fact you let Democrats even write such a Law as HR 3899 proves you are not a fit leader. It also shows that Fundamental Change is all about racial revenge. Barack you need resign so that the stench of your racial revenge mentality no longer fills the White House.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 03:25:22 +0000

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