This is vaccine injury. calls it encephalopathy or Acute - TopicsExpress


This is vaccine injury. calls it encephalopathy or Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. What it is, is brain damage, brain inflammation, injury resulting in autism and/or any of the disorders that 1:6 children in America now have. Today 10/1/14 is the first day of Vaccine Injury Awareness. So BE AWARE that if your child is injured from vaccines, you are screwed and you are on your own. Your government does not acknowledge vaccine-induced autism. Your doctor will not acknowledge vaccine-induced autism. And your insurance company will certainly not acknowledge vaccine-induced autism. Be aware that you cannot know how your child will react to that batch or lot or combination of vaccines the day they are injected directly into him. BE AWARE that you cannot know if that monkey dna or bovine virus will negatively effect your child. You cannot know how any of the chemicals that include Aluminum, Ammonia, anti-freeze, Mercury, Formaldehyde, viruses, animal dna, aborted baby tissue and more, will effect your little childs underdeveloped brain, especially in the mass doses the schedule now calls for, especially since they give them in utero and at birth. BE AWARE that if your child is damaged with SIDS, seizures, cannot sue the vaccine manufacturer like you can every other drug on the market because of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Vaccine makers have 0 liability even if your child dies. And your chances of ever receiving a dime of compensation from the US governments vaccine court are next to zero. BE AWARE that vaccine injury is not cheap. Autism is not cheap. BE AWARE that you have a limited time to file a claim in VICP so do not get too busy with your newly diagnosed injured child and all of their medical and neurological needs. BE AWARE that the reason that the government calls vaccine injuries rare is because almost no doctors report injuries and most parents dont either. Most parents have never heard of VAERS and they are not informed of it or VICP. BE AWARE that autism used to be 1 in thousands back when the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was established. Autism is now 1:50 and continues to rise. BE AWARE that although media would like you to think that autism is cute and quirky, it is not a gift. Having your child who once spoke lose all ability to talk is not cute or quirky, its devastating. Having a 32 year old child still in diapers isnt cute or quirky, its every parents worse nightmare. Having your child cry from pain and you have no idea how to fix them isnt cute, its horrible. Having your child remain alone because they cannot socialize isnt cute, its emotionally debilitating. Autism is not a gift. Vaccine injuries are not a gift. BE AWARE that your knew and has known for a very long time that vaccines do cause autism. Many many childrens lives could have been spared if it were not for the greed of the CDC and its affiliates. Never trust those profiting in the billions off of you and your children. Lastly, BE AWARE that parents of vaccine injured children have nothing to gain but to keep you from suffering what we have suffered. #CDCwhistleblower #hearthiswell https://youtube/watch?v=egNssBlwXVM
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:14:36 +0000

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