This is very uncharacteristic for me to rant about something like - TopicsExpress


This is very uncharacteristic for me to rant about something like this, but something just really set me off. There is a very good chance Im overreacting, but here goes... The value of this band is NOT determined by how many tickets we can sell. You can play our awesome show if you can sell 40 tickets at $20 each! You can give us that $800 and well give you $80 back for your hard work! You are encouraged to sell more because the amount you sell will directly reflect your time slot on the show. There is also a bunch of other bands and a million stages so good luck! Oh yeah, if you dont sell the minimum of 40 tickets, you will be kicked off the show and excommunicated from the league of shadows... I may have exaggerated the later details, but you get the point. Listen, this band is not the shit. We arent some revolutionary rock group set out on becoming the next Beatles. If you know us, you know we are the least egotistical, self-riotous group of dudes, and we absolutely appreciate everything that happens with this band... But you know what? We are a damn good band. and we put our heart and souls into what we do. Especially when it comes to playing live. We know what were doing, we enjoy what were doing, and the fact that our audience is continuously growing/coming out to see us, supporting our releases, sharing our music with friends, and helping us grow, should speak for something. Money does not, never has, and never will fuel what we do, but Ill be damned if I let anybody make more money off of this band than this band is making off of this band. I get that everybody needs to make money. Especially on larger scale shows. However, Ive seen far too many amazing bands, bands that should be headlining some of these shows, get shafted by this nonsense and its just plain wrong. Ive grown fed up with the music industry around us so instead of continuously trying to get in good with the right people or make it in the business, were just going to focus on what were doing and continue to make our own little music world grow. Thanks for reading. Thanks for continuously having our collective back. Thanks for supporting. And thank you for being a part of our whacky little world were creating. You guys are going to freak when you hear what we have coming up in the near future. I promise.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:40:08 +0000

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