This is very very good - if you are interested in the state of our - TopicsExpress


This is very very good - if you are interested in the state of our political system, social issues, as well as climate change, this is an essential listen. Many many more of us need to engage to set the political system back on track. If many many more of us do not engage we are doomed and we are going to take innocent people down with us. Here we can expect crap jobs in the short term (50 years?), an environment that is unlikely to support life as we know it, financial ruin for all but the ridiculously wealthy, again in the short term as the environment will set those people and groups straight. We live on a planet that depends on symbiotic relationships yet the majority of the power brokers utilize exploitative relationships. On the current trajectory it is only a matter of time and the timeline is contracting. I believe in free speech but I do feel that it is the moral obligation of anyone or any organization (all of us really but .... ) that has the power to excerpt massive influence to tell the truth. Those who manipulate news, information or the emotions of their audience should be banished. I hear people talk as if big oil and coal are necessary - I argue NO. If you need a comparison I think the Civil War offers insights into where we are now. (Please watch Ken Burns documentary - it is fabulous) In the south there were 3 classes of people - the obscenely wealthy, the dirt poor and slaves. The obscenely wealthy exploited the slaves to maintain their wealth and refused to consider an alternative lifestyle, alternative industries. They exploited the soil and used it until it produced no more, they exploited human beings until they could be exploited no more. And ultimately they lost it all in their refusal to adapt. The system employed in the north explored many different strategies and adapted to the evolutionary nature of civilization. Nearly everyone benefited. Moral? People, groups, companies who depend on exploitation are doomed to fail in the long run. In order to thrive we must embrace cooperation and be willing to adapt and evolve with the predictable and inevitable changes dictated by nature. We can not force nature to serve us we must embrace a cooperative relationship with nature to thrive and flourish.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:20:50 +0000

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