This is what I believe I see in the word of God, the only thing I - TopicsExpress


This is what I believe I see in the word of God, the only thing I can say is keep an eye on the signs of the times that we are living in, and if you are not saved, today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be to late, please do not procrastinate, believe that Jesus died and rose again for your sins, confess Jesus as your Saviour, time is short. Biblical prophesy from August 7, 2014 to 2023 From August 2014 until 2016 you will see; Matthew 24: 6: And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8: All these are the beginning of sorrows. This time period is leading up to the signing of the peace covenant made by the antichrist, Daniel 9:27, which I believe will be signed sometime in the year 2016. In this time period between 2014 through 2016 there will be great turmoil all over this world to the extent of even nuclear war. This will make the whole World ready to accept this peace covenant that is to come in 2016. Once the peace covenant is signed in 2016; Some of the terms of the peace covenant with Israel will allow them to rebuild their temple and resume animal sacrifice. Finally there will be peace and safety in Israel, they think, 1Thes:5:3, Ezek:38:11. For 3-1/2 years Israel will be at peace, worshiping and sacrificing in their temple and every one will be happy and praising God. After 3-1/2 years of peace, the one who made the peace covenant will break the peace covenant, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 12:11, Rev.6:4 This will take place January of 2020, this is when the antichrist stands in the holy place, Matt.24:21, 2Thes.2:4, Rev.6:4, Dan.12:11. To find out what happens in the last 3-1/2 years or the great tribulation see the book of Revelations from chapter 6 verse 4 through to chapter 20 verse 6. All of this is based on the date when Israel took back Jerusalem in 1967, which I believe was a commandment from God to Israel, to restore and rebuild Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince, and He will return at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, not at the beginning, the one who comes at the beginning, at the signing of the covenant is the false Christ, the antichrist, many will have this reversed and accept the antichrist as Messiah, who makes the peace covenant. If you are still here after the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place, and the rapture of the Church takes place, the only thing I can say to you is, do not worship the beast, or receive his mark in your right hand, or in your forehead, you have sealed your fate if you do, Revelations 14:9-11.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 19:53:43 +0000

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