This is what I think of why some people use Facebook and what I - TopicsExpress


This is what I think of why some people use Facebook and what I think it should be used for: Some people use Facebook to avenge outbursts of anger and displeasure towards others - I say understand you probably peed them off in the first place and you may have deserved what you got (your just showing stupidity by outbursting - anyone can do that and your time could be better used)! Nobody likes an angry individual. Some use Facebook to winge and moan about...well...everything and anything - I say get a life and look at the gleaming positives you blind idiot - soon youll have no friends, nobody likes a winger! Some use Facebook to be Egocentric - I say the majority of the population couldnt care less about how many cars and computers you have or how you earned £50,000 in a week (and your friends probably couldnt give a hoot either). Its the real meaningful powerful stories of achievement such as running a marathon or building a shed or beating cancer that will show so much more and grab more positive attention. Some people use Facebook to give a running commentary of their life - while sharing your life is perfectly fine telling everyone what you had for dinner every day is just, well, sad really! Get outside more and stop wasting your life or others by reading your ridiculous stories of boredom! Are these for all the right or wrong reasons??? We should be using Facebook to: - Show our achievements that are not overly egocentric. Ran a marathon? Beat cancer? Built a bike? Helped someone in great need? - Share powerful inspiring stories - Share ideas and interests - Engage in positive discussions - Relay positive messages - Share your interesting days but cut out the I had this for dinner for the eight day in a row (beans on toast is hardly inspiring and who really cares!, lets be honest we dont really) - Inspire others - Connect to others for business profiling and growth - Engage and connect with friends and family who are a distance away - Engage positively with all close and distant friends. Meet in person or chat over skype if you want a winge and avoid displeasing others by venting moans publicly - we all really dont want to get dragged into it! - Build up positive relationships (which cant possibly be done with negativity) - Discover new and interesting things on Facebook. Its a gold mine of informative info, but be careful of what you believe. - Always respond positively; youll feel so much better for it and this can be contagious. Research shows by being more positive and sharing positive stories creates a happier space and positive do it attitude. Being negative and displaying egocentric meaningless conversations which can be aggressive and does the opposite: jealousy, negativity and bad attitudes. You ever noticed that the news is predominantly negative? Because those stories create a more interesting response and in reality is more interesting to most people. However most are negative and we end up being negative in our response to those stories. So why be so negative on Facebook when you already have the news to do that for you? Positivity creates and more positive atmosphere. Hence why I rarely watch the news and seek out positive stories on Facebook and forward mostly positive stories and beautiful pictures. Its hard to be positive but over time youll feel so much better for trying. Lets all start being more positive. Thank you :)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 09:40:22 +0000

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