This is what I tried to post on Lightworkers; In the rush to be - TopicsExpress


This is what I tried to post on Lightworkers; In the rush to be heard amongst all the worthy voices, the potential for information overload is very real. Important, relevant, and immediately useful information can be missed simply because of the sheer volume of separate word and concept that may surround it. The art of the simple one liner or haiku-like metaphor is becoming a near necessity for basic communication in the new medium of internet. However, there are still those of us who appreciate a well constructed idea artfully decorated with effective, descriptive language. Focus is also an art. Extending that focus beyond the usual momentary attention span being engendered by the sheer swiftness of multi levels of information delivery -one has to quickly make room for more information- may be mistakenly being placed on the sidelines in favor of the quick wit. Maybe not. Its a question to be considered. For example; By now, in reading this many will have the experience of minor mental anxiety whispering words and phrases like boring. long winded, and get to the point will ya? Some will just stop and move on to the quick wit. Some may resent the fact that after reading the last statement, they may feel some kind of obligation to keep reading, even though their nature of keep moving, cant sit still strains at their intent. And some, I cant predict majority, minority, average, or what have you, will arrive here in the text. If you have gotten this far without losing consciousness or interest, then allow me to begin; There simply is no way to express it all in any particular way, shape, or form. The validity of experience, and experience-tested information is currently overwhelmed by rote, dogma, ritual, and the modern phenomena of the comfort zone. Therefore we sometimes must wade through the shallow waters of false and ignorant bliss to find the truth. There is a lot of honest searching going on, and that is good in the relative sense, but as has been witnessed throughout the history of humanitys search for Truth, Love, and Enlightenment, the establishment of any idea as an absolute leads to religion, dogma, and antagonistic difference and separation. There is a lot of information currently available in ways that have only been present for a decade or so, and the volume of dis-information may actually be larger than the actual true information. There is only one qualifier of Truth; Experience. You cannot study someone elses experience expecting to recreate that experience, because the aspects that made that experience one that you would want to have, were unique, and tailored to the person, persons, and event in that they occurred. Proof of anything is ultimately a subjective conclusion. Shared experience has the highest validity in our dis-trusting world, because there is a witness. We have come to a point in time and history that has parallels most of you already have surmised, yet this era is the beginning of something potentially greater than any other point in history. This conclusion was not arrived at through the acceptance of vicarious, second, or third-hand information, or going with the flow but first by experience, then by recognizing the origin of the external knowledge as parallel experience. The information then confirms the experience. We have not arrived at this potential with many guarantees. The labor of waking the consciousness of the planet is not over, it has only just begun. It was not so long ago this collective consciousness was like a newborn child; frail, dependent, and in great need of protection and nurturing. Most of that still applies, though the changes are happening at sometimes frightening speed. There is great irony in the fact that the very concept and technology that has helped global awareness imagine the possibilities is also potentially the most dangerous adversary to that consciousness. We have, by this means, acquired a collective image of instant, global communication, a demo model if you will, of a greater potential latent within the faculty of mind, intuitive, and consciousness. That greater potential; a realized world where humankind has awakened to their true place on the earth and in the greater Cosmos is threatened by the very means that has finally enabled us to see so much. Not just the internet, its the devices that occupy our attention and our time. We are organic beings, social beings. This medium puts us in danger of losing the correct perspectives on these things. Using it a a tool, we have already empowered the 3rd world to stand up and begin to shake off the tyranny of ages. We have thrown the old world New World Order a challenge they are still scrambling to meet. They will meet it through our attachment to the internet. Outside the collective abode -which is mostly concentrated in a metropolitan or urban environment, there is an incredibly huge planet that belongs to all of us. The idea that there is not enough for everybody that there are too many people is a misnomer. What there is not enough of is consciousness and acting consciously. What there is too much of is people in denial. The idea that money, and the weights and measure of possession and property is somehow required to do the work that must be done, or that we need to have special tools, may apply to carpentry, but it doesnt apply to consciousness and consciousness raising because we are all born with the faculty, it is only our choices and actions that determine its use and presence in our lives. What it takes to truly Love, to truly Forgive -and most of all- LET GO, is the one prime, fundamental labor that is worthy of a True Light Worker. That is a commodity that has no market in this realm, because the coin of the realm cannot purchase it. Some of you know these things by various different perspectives -all of which are valid and worthy- some of you are just receiving. Having buried more Brothers and Sisters of the Light than I can feel good about; Having succumbed to the wounds of an uncaring planet thats ruled by demons, and maintained by lies. -from Faithful Man- my perspective and experience, from a lifetime of servitude to the Truth shows me that truly we have arrived at a special time, but most of that still exists in potential, in the conversation. We are capable of the MIRACULOUS! Yet we settle for ideology. Ideology begats religion. Religion begats Conquest. Conquest begats war. War begats Property, Commerce, and Law. And it all ends badly. The question before the High Council of Light -and you probably know who you are at this point- is; What are we going to DO? -that isnt somebodys new way or technique or discipline or philosophy but actual application? They deleted it.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:02:59 +0000

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