This is what religious pride, deception, and rebellion against the - TopicsExpress


This is what religious pride, deception, and rebellion against the truth looks like in a person who professes to be a Christian but is actually still worshiping idols. Whether in the church building or outside of the church, vast numbers of professing Christians are stuck in this place: Do not allow others judgement or what they think they know about you to steal your joy OR cause you to question what you have heard directly from God. God knows our hearts & the truth, so theres no need to defend or prove what you know to be true. Condemnation & pride to be right is not from God, so press into Him & go directly to Him for His will & truth instead of others. Fellowship is about building one another up in truth & love, being the salt & light. Its a relationship of sharing, growing & loving. The following is not a comprehensive study of the religious lies put forth in the above quote, but is instead a quick examination of them in the light of Biblical truth. Learn to look past the superficial Christianese used by so many in their attempts to encapsulate eternal truths in mere human words. Discern the spirit of every message claiming association with the God of Truth. Is it TRUTH -- or LIES MASQUERADING as truth? 1) Do not allow others judgement or what they think they know about you to steal your joy OR cause you to question what you have heard directly from God. The Bible tells us we are to righteously judge one another who are in the household of faith. If one is clearly still locked in a daily struggle with sin, darkness, emotional and mental torment, confusion, and religious deception -- and they ARE NOT willing to receive correction from those who have learned how to walk in perfect freedom from those things, their ability to hear directly from God is severely hindered, and anything they claim to be hearing directly from God is suspect! 2) God knows our hearts & the truth, so theres no need to defend or prove what you know to be true. If there was one single favorite statement of the Religious Spirit it is contained in the above sentence: God knows our hearts... The TRUTH is that the agreements of your heart are impossible to hide! EVERYBODY in our life can see what our heart is anchored in. We are designed to express the fruit of the agreements of our heart, whether we want to or not. Gods idea, not mine. The Bible tells us that if we know the TRUTH, we are FREE. Anybody who claims to know what is true yet is still unable to manifest the TRUTH as a daily reality within their own life, is a deceived deceiver. If you cant defend or prove what you know to be true with SCRIPTURE, it IS NOT TRUTH! 3) Condemnation & pride to be right is not from God, so press into Him & go directly to Him for His will & truth instead of others. If one is not IN CHRIST, they ARE CONDEMNED. The irrefutable evidence of being in Christ is freedom from torment and practical dominion over sin and darkness. Humility is evidenced by PERFECT VICTORY. Pride is evidenced by defeat at the enemys hands. Pressing into God is as simple as agreeing only with eternal truth -- and not with temporary facts. Knowing Gods will and perfecting His will within our lives is an effortless result of resting in what He has already accomplished through the Cross on our behalf. The evidence of RESTING in the finished work of the Cross is a TRANSFORMED LIFE which is FREE from the influence of darkness and deception. 4) Fellowship is about building one another up in truth & love, being the salt & light. Its a relationship of sharing, growing & loving. True heavenly fellowship is impossible wherever people stubbornly worship their own version of god. This worship is called idolatry. It assigns characteristics to God which are not His. All idolatry is sourced from the spirit of the accuser; it accuses God of not being enough, not having done enough, of holding out on us, of sending suffering into our lives to teach us, of reserving our victory for some distant future date, at the end of a long and difficult journey. Many gather themselves together to worship a Jesus that is seen nowhere in Scripture. They console each other in their defeat, sickness, torment and rebellion. They have begging meetings which they call prayer meetings, where some do their best to outdo each other with flowery prayers and extra holy sounding words. Others have abandoned these gatherings because they felt they were not being recognized for who they really are. Theyve gone from one place to another, always, misunderstood, rejected, and judged. They claim to hear God say very special and unique things that are only for their ears. The fact that those special words spoken directly from God often stand in direct opposition to His character, His provision through the Cross, and the testimony of His own Son seen in Scripture, seems to trouble them not at all, because, after all, they are so very, very spiritual. The heart that is submitted to the lordship of Christ is a heart anchored in the fear of God, and as a result, it is FREE from every other fear. True, heavenly unity is evidenced by the weighty fear of God which rests upon the fellowship of believers who are entirely given over to the authority, or lordship of King Jesus. This unity produces the atmosphere that is found around the Throne of God; it is the atmosphere where miracles abound. Darkness is put to flight and the radiance of His majesty is clearly seen upon His people. Dead religion seeks to counterfeit that glory by elevating giftings and anointings above the lordship of Jesus and leading the people of God into the worship of the ideas, methodologies, and revelations produced by those giftings and anointings - also called IDOLS. Reject the call to unite around those idols! False unity is that thing which creeps in when people compromise biblical truth to avoid offending others. This is called peacekeeping and it is the way of humanism. Heavens way is called peacemaking, and it transforms everything it touches, bringing it into conformity with Heaven. This is what it means to advance the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in Heaven. Each ones gifts and unique talents are effortlessly expressed in this environment of true, heavenly community, and all share in the wealth of our mutual inheritance in Christ. Submitting one to another is easy in this atmosphere because we know we all LOVE the King first. This makes it possible to trust each other - to receive from each other - to encourage, correct and exhort each other in humility and love. Grace RULES over all we say and do and the work of our hands is blessed as we serve God, our communities and one another in a constant, joyful advancement of our Kingdom~ Grace to you, ~RCT
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 17:22:45 +0000

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