This is why I say NEVER get into a marriage IF you cant walkout - TopicsExpress


This is why I say NEVER get into a marriage IF you cant walkout with what you came in with AND what you contributed to IF the marriage ends in divorce. [EXCERPT] She’s doing the responsible thing now and thinking of her future before things go awry with resentfulness and spite. [JAI DUVALS RESPONSE] The woman would tell the man, So you are EXPECTING the marriage to NOT LAST. NOW its the RESPONSIBLE thing when a female wants to PROTECT what she has BEFORE the marriage AS WELL AS get out what SHE PUT INTO the marriage and it was a SELFISH and NOT TRUSTING thing all the years PRIOR when THE MAN thought the same way. [WHY IS IT BEING RESPONSIBLE] Its because SHE has something to lose. When females have NOTHING to lose and MORE TO GAIN via marriage and divorce, a Pre-Nup or Protecting Her Assets is considered AN INSULT. [CONCLUSION] If you are going to GET MARRIED, make sure ALL the papers are in order that PROTECTS what you have BEFORE the marriage and ONLY INVEST in the MARRIAGE FINANCIALLY what she invests into it because IF there is a DIVORCE (remember at least 60% of the marriages ends that way), SHE PROBABLY WILL GET at least half of whats been acquired during the marriage EVEN IF HER financial contributions were LESS THAN yours.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 06:37:33 +0000

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