This is why we do what we do. This sweet baby had been with us for - TopicsExpress


This is why we do what we do. This sweet baby had been with us for over a year but we know it was because she was waiting for the perfect family! She went from being a HW+ previous bait dog to the most perfect home she could ever hope for! We got the sweetest message we have ever received from her adopter and wanted to share (with her approval) the story: Hi, Myself and my significant other adopted a sweet pup from you guys around March, and she has just added something unexplainable to my life. She is a pit bull, who was a bait dog (she is covered in multiple scars, scrapes, and bald spots, and her ear at some point had been sewn back together because it was split down the middle). If not for her physical scarring though, you would never EVER guess that she had a dark past because her sweet soul is unscathed. Petunia (who we call Tuni or Tunes) is the sweetest dog I have ever been around. She always wants to cuddle up with us on the couch- she can never EVER get close enough. She will bury her head in between our arms or between our body and the couch as far as she can go. She never barks, always listens, and goes out of her way to do things she thinks will impress her adoptive mom and dad. She will literally put her arm around our bodies and squeeze her paws down, hugging us the only way she can. And she SNORES when she sleeps, which absolutely melts my heart! She has become our sweet little child, and I am EXTREMELY grateful that you guys even gave me the opportunity to meet her and be a big part of her life (and her mine). If not for you, we would not have all the love and joy that she adds to our lives daily, and she may not have been given the chance to stay on this earth. For this reason alone, I want to know what we can do to give back. Since I cannot realistically (unfortunately) adopt all the lonely pups in this world, I at least want to be some kind of stepping stone in their journey to happiness and finding the perfect family. So I am messaging you today to learn about different opportunities to help out. Whether it be fostering, volunteering, helping organizing events, etc- I want to know about it all and what I am able to do to help. Tuni has literally changed our lives for the best, and I know there are plenty of other pups who just need the opportunity to show how special they are as well.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:42:30 +0000

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