This isnt the usual post from me. Id say 99% of the time, the - TopicsExpress


This isnt the usual post from me. Id say 99% of the time, the things you hear from me are upbeat, informative, positive, funny. (I hope. LOL.) My life isnt perfect and Im not trying to front or act like Ive got it all figured out, I just like to focus on the upside and stay motivated and look for inspiration. But I think once in awhile its good to talk about when were not doing so good. I think people live through social media a lot, and of course, people are filtering what they post and so people can get a false sense that everyone around them is doing better than they are, or no one else is going through trials. So, I just wanted to say, I havent been feeling so hot. Not in a physical way-in an emotional way. Every once in awhile I get skittish. I get this visceral urge to bolt...somewhere. Anywhere? Right now Ive been working out with a trainer 4-5 times a week for 8 weeks. Ive shown progress but I feel like its not enough and I should be showing better results. I opened my own studio, and Ive yet to have a month where Ive lost money, but with all the new expenses, Im not taking much home either. I know that its amazing for a new business to be in the black right away, but it doesnt quite feel like a win to me when my pockets arent reflective of that. Im struggling to find the balance between dedicating myself to my business and also being the best Mother I can to my child. I just feel discouraged on so many levels lately. I feel like quitting or giving up on so many things, and thats just not me. Ive been ignoring my phone, shying away from social interaction. This is not a cry for help. Please dont be worried. Even when Im so disheartened, I can still always remember that these feelings are always temporary; That this, like all things, will pass. I have enough steel in my soul to know that Ill be able to dust it off again and keep pushing on. This is just the cloud thats hanging over me right now and well, I wanted to share, mostly because I think everyone feels like this at times, and people may not want to say so, and someone may even perceive someone as successful and think, I bet they never doubt themselves or theyve got it all together. So, I guess, I hope someone will see this and remember it when theyre having a rough patch, if they think it wont end, or theyre the only one. Also, Im sorry if anyone has felt like Im ignoring them. Im in a bit of a funk and I just thought if I can share the successes and I can be positive most of the time, then I can also talk about how its not always easy to stay optimistic, but Im still gonna. I know better weather is rolling in soon, I just thought Id report from the storm. :)
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:46:55 +0000

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