This little article describes one of my most worrying aspects of - TopicsExpress


This little article describes one of my most worrying aspects of our current societal vision of disease and medicine. It troubles me greatly, that good and solid historical understanding of limiting infection and disease spread appears to be gradually forgotten, while public health agencies obsessively talk of vaccination as the primary, secondary and seemingly only method of dealing with such things , at the massive expense of basic disease reduction education and what I would term common sense. Unintended consequences? possibly, but how many on message materials over basic quarantine, or washing hands, or limiting cross infection have you heard of lately in the media or GP surgeries? Where are the posters? where is the strong advice from the GP? Come to that, why arent these heavily funded public health bodies not advising schools to enact hand washing regimes and child and parental education? What about a framework for dealing and correcting the core problem of children who are sick and dropped off into these educational institutions? Epidemiologists generally agree that washing hands in and of itself severely limits the potential spread of all types of disease, including air borne pathogens. The theory offered here speaks volumes to me and I have to concur after seeing the same attitudes manifested in nurseries and pre schoolers in my own experience with our children here in the UK. I understand all to well the pressures of needing multiple incomes to keep our heads above water financially, but equally this culturally acceptable view of bravery in carrying on regardless is surely the biggest risk to any pandemic and not the so called unvacvinated or any other.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:56:07 +0000

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