This man is blatantly ignorant and a very -prime- example of the - TopicsExpress


This man is blatantly ignorant and a very -prime- example of the faults of the current financial system we live under - he even throws a derogatory insult towards the Russian people in the middle of it all. He makes absolutely no effort to actual have a civil conversation, let alone a debate, on the issue of inequality. In every clip I have seen of his man - who sadly, is apparently Canadian - he constantly raises his voice and makes ever effort to not let anyone else speak from the moment he feels they might even slightly differ from his views - generalized views that he simply repeats over and over again without considering other perspectives for even a moment (unless playing along with the other perspectives for a moment will open the door for him to re-hash his same repetitive, generalized accusations. Of what Ive seen he believes in - without any willingness to hear even a slightly differing view of - is: - That any single person or select people, by any means, ought to have the right to horde every bit of money in existence. All that matters is that theyve found a way to put their hands on it - That to even consider -anything- that might limit the hording of wealth (such as taxes, limitations on maximum wages, bonuses, etc) by the select few is STEALING! and PUNISHMENT FOR SUCCESS! (capitalizing simply because yelling is the only way he seems capable of speaking on such a topic) [side note: I have not once seen him take offense to interest rates - which is a taxation on a persons ability to store money in a bank.. likely because those running the banks are doing their best to horde all the money for them and their select buddies (such as him)] - That he simply doesnt give a damn if ever-increasing masses of people are left poor, starving, dead from lack of income if it means the select few so-called successes get to horde money without limitation In short, he believes and -demands- that the wealth of a nation belong to a select few and that somehow by doing so that the nation as a whole will grow and thrive - be a success. Yet, a simple look at history proves exactly the opposite. Hes demanding a modern-day ruling class akin (perhaps even more powerful considering the populations are greatly higher than in past centuries) to the ancient Empires or Monarchies where a select few have the right to dictate the lives off all the rest - without question. In the past sense of power was demanded by claiming they had some religious right (i.e. the royalty of many European countries claiming to be divined by their god), for instance. Well, todays modern equivalent is money. And in the past Kings were beheaded for exactly this holier-than-thou attitude where the few feel they are superior and allowed to do what they please to the masses - no matter how degrading or sadistic.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 23:06:44 +0000

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