This may be long and I dont usually post personal feelings but - TopicsExpress


This may be long and I dont usually post personal feelings but something happened today that has really been bothering me and had been on my mind all evening. Our job as medical providers is to do the very best we can for our patients. Sometimes we as paramedics have to make split second decisions that may make a difference in the outcome of the patient we are dealing with. One such incident occurred several months ago. We responded to a call and the family wanted this patient transported to Rome. This man was extremely unstable and in my professional opinion needed to go to the closest hospital. This family was furious that I refused to bypass two hospitals just to take him where they wanted to go. Now I know that they do not understand our protocols and standing orders. I wouldnt expect them to. But when I tell them that their loved one will not make it to the hospital of their choice maybe they should put aside their feelings and do what is in the best interest of the patient. Im sorry said hospital wouldnt give you the pain meds you requested so you dont want to go there anymore. Well I ran into this lady today. She didnt thank me at all for doing my best for her husband. For putting his needs above her wishes. She did tell me though how mad she still was that I wouldnt do what she said that day. Even as far as to say if she had of had a gun that day she would have killed me! And how much trouble I had caused her by making one if those split second life or death decisions. Well, what I did saved the mans life. He did live long enough to be transferred to Rome so he could die in the hospital of her choice. We had a very rough shift yesterday. I saw a family lose their home and belongings in a house fire. They were asleep and barely escaped with their lives. Standing on the road with no shoes or coats in 20 degree weather watching their entire life go up in flames. I saw a man whose heart had stopped and the ones that work tirelessly and helped resuscitate him to live and be with his family. I saw another that didnt want to live at all. I saw a mother who chose to drive drunk and critically injured her young children who will never be the same again. Maybe Im just tired today. But to the lady who threatened my life today because I didnt bow down to her wishes..... Im sorry.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:07:10 +0000

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