This message is for every Christian who is welling to search for - TopicsExpress


This message is for every Christian who is welling to search for the truth with a sincere desire, and a broad mind to provide him with answers to questions that would otherwise take him long time to find. Since you are a Christian, have you ever thought of the origin of Christmas; or how genuine is Christmas? Or, do you consider Christmas a social tradition or a ritual? If you consider it a social tradition, then there is no room for it in you faith. If it as a ritual, then it should hav:e. an origin in your Bible. If it does not hav~ an origin in your Bible, then, either the Bible is false or Christmases. THis time you should know the truth about Christ and Christmas. Here is what Britannica Encyclopedia has to say about Christmas: Christmas (Old English Christs Mass) Christian festival celebrated on December 25, commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is also a popular secular holiday. According to a Roman almanac, the Christian festival of Christmas was celebrated in Rome byAD 336. The ecclesiastical calendar retains numerous remnants of pre-Christian festivals-notably Christmas, UJhich blends elements including both the feasts of the Saturnalia and the birthday of Mithra. The development oflegends Legends developed in Christianity because of a need to answer questions posed by the less intellectual Christians, the need for stories of exemplary Christians, and the transference of the deeds of pagan gods and goddesses in popular piety to those zuho are of saints and martyrs. Many Christians UJere not satisfied with the gaps in the narration of Christs life in the canonical Gospels. There thus developed several apocrypha,l often influenced by Gnosticism, that provided legendary accounts ofChrists life, as well as those ofthe Apostles Since you are a fellow human being, first and foremost, we are concerned about your spiritual welfare; hence we have prepared this message for you. Mankind belong to one single father, Adam, and have one single God, Allah, Who has brought them into existence, and provided them with their means of substa in order to worship Him alone. It is inconceivable that the God Who created the universe and every thing in it to need help; let alone taking a son or a spouse, or a partner. He was all by Himself when there was nothing in existence; then He created mankind and the rest of the creation for one single purpose, that is to w
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 09:46:50 +0000

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