This morning, a gentleman sat next to me on a flight. My best - TopicsExpress


This morning, a gentleman sat next to me on a flight. My best guess is he was chinese or at least an asian. From his greeting, I guess he spoke very little english and probably just a tourist. I proceeded to take my phone out of my bag, he looked at me keenly and took out his tablet too. After a few minutes there was an announcement to place phones on flight mode so i did that and put my phone in my bag. He looked at me and also put his tablet in his bag. I took out a paper to read, he looked at me, and also took out a magazine. I looked up to watch a few comics and he did same. So the flight became an interesting do-i-do experience. I sat pondering over his actions and I realised this, this man was demonstrating to me why china has the largest economy presently - copying ditto ditto! With no shame, this man got through a flight with little english just by being humble enough to keenly observe, learn and act! We grew up seeing chinese products that were replicates of known brands and gradually, they are now also being known for some standard products. Check your iPhone, made in _____? Many of us young people today already have broken dreams because we lack this principle. We are too proud to learn from those ahead and would prefer to struggle from scratch and make the same mistakes those before us did. So by the time we have learnt enough lessons to be successful, its too late or we are too old to do anything meaningful. Instead of holding on to pride, lets be willing to learn; to build up on experiences of others who have come before us; to be followers until we can be followed too. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, invest in autobiographies of successful people and learn from their mistakes NOW so that you dont repeat them in the future. People like Strive Masiyiwa have dedicated their time to writing about their experiences in entrepreneurship and are worth listening to. Find a few successful people you are dedicated to following and closely follow their path to success. As Ecclesiastes says, there is NOTHING new under the sun, the principles are the same! IF you want to be a preacher and or a serious christian, listen to sermons, follow a dedicated spiritual father and learn from stories and experiences in ministry that only a spiritual father would share with you. Such a father acts as a covering over your head. Paul says, follow me as I follow CHRIST (1 Cor 11:1). Be open to advice and follow instructions! Dont also go and hit a wall and then now start over - you can easily avoid that by humbling yourself to learn especially from their mistakes Learning takes patience and time and you must be willing to wait for your time to shine. Just hang in there and keep on following. I hope this thought blesses someone like it has blessed me ;-)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:08:40 +0000

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