This morning at breakfast, we read from the Gospel of Luke where - TopicsExpress


This morning at breakfast, we read from the Gospel of Luke where Jesus talks about those who call him Lord but do not obey His word. Jesus says the one who ACTS on what he hears is like the man who builds his house on a rock—when the floods come, THAT house stands strong and is not shaken. Can I be honest? I used to think obeying God meant doing lots of things for God. I thought obedience meant staying BUSY for God. I felt really GOOD about myself if I was being productive. Chronic illness is teaching me a different understanding of what it means to obey Jesus. Right now, ALL the people in my life are in agreement: I need to slow down and take care of myself. It is hard for me to believe them. But Im learning that often God speaks through the mouths of those who love us most. And I need to listen. I need to take on the lighter yoke, so speak. Im masterful at inventing good reasons why God doesnt REALLY want me to spend more time in daily quietness, nap-taking and following a simple daily routine. That seems so BORING. Im worried Im missing out. There are SO MANY opportunities that seem STRAIGHT FROM GOD and I would love NOTHING MORE than to seize them! Seize the day, amen? Oh, wait. Thats not a Scripture verse. Heh. And yet, what makes all the difference between a house that withstands the storm and a house that collapses? Obedience. BLARGH. I hate that word just about as much as I hate being quiet. But heres the stark truth: I cant burn bright if I keep burning out. I have demanded so much (too much) from myself. Ive pushed myself. And just to keep up, Ive medicated with caffeine and sugar. Im so weary these days. Even a little bit of overwhelm totally stresses me out. Even a tiny trigger can send me into a tailspin. A light, easy yoke is hard for me to accept. But this is what Jesus asks of me: to embrace gentleness, to restrain my urge to clutter my days with frantic busyness, to intentionally make time for conversation with my family, to care for my body by getting enough rest, moderate exercise and eating better. Today Im laying down my ideas of being productive and allowing myself to take up an easy yoke. Give us this day our daily meds....
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 17:38:06 +0000

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