This nation wants change and although our vote was stolen, no one - TopicsExpress


This nation wants change and although our vote was stolen, no one can steal our determination. President Tsvangirai said this while addressing multitudes of people gathered at Sakubva Stadium on Saturday as the party celebrated its 14th anniversary under the theme, “celebrating and claiming our people’s victory.” “My warning to you all is not to be despondent. Our collective challenge is not to give up. We cannot afford to give up the struggle.“Hatirasi mbereko nekufirwa. This is the time to say again there is hope. There are times when heroes and heroines, like the people of Zimbabwe, feel very low, when they feel the world is crushing on them. This is certainly one of the moments,” he said. President Tsvangirai said for the sake of this country which we love and which we have sacrificed so much, we cannot as a people and as a movement be held captive by despondency and despair. “This is a passing phase. This is a passing moment. This is the time when heroic people only become aware and renew their commitment to the maximum task at hand. We have work to do, to make sure that our struggle goes in full force,” President Tsvangirai said. “We knew it 14years ago that this struggle is not a stroll in the park. We knew it. MDC is a political party that you cannot wish away. The people of Zimbabwe won this election but lost the vote through fraud,” he added“History tells us that the people will always claim their victory. You won’t go anywhere without the people’s support." He said the party’s way forward is to stick to our vision. He said change is going to take place in our lifetime. “For the past 14years, MDC has achieved a lot. We have a proud record not only as a political party but as a party in government. This nation owes to this movement unlimited gratitude for the contribution this party and this movement has played in rescuing the people who were on their knees. We don’t apologise for our existence. We are rather proud for our existence that we played a critical role at a critical point when this country was at its knees,” he implored. “We must always believe in our strategy and our plan is that we shall pursue, overtake and recover all.”He said he is inspired by the biblical story of David. After the enemy defeated him and took all, David does not lie down and cry. “Following a daylight robbery, according to Samuel, David inquired from the Lord what to do and he was told to pursue for he would surely overtake and recover all. “The peoples’ will is sovereign. It might be postponed but not abandoned. It’s only a dream deferred, postponed and not abandoned. Winners are not quitters. There is no reason why we should quit,” he said. He assured the people of MDC continued existence and said as a party and as a movement they shall be there for a very long time. “We shall not be swallowed by anyone. The MDC has become such a great movement that it is unstoppable.” He lamented over the election and said this has not only been an MDC loss but a national loss and said for us to have a legitimate government; we should have a legitimate election. “This struggle is not an event but a process and until we achieve the will of the people to have democratic change we will not tire. Those that know that our vote was stolen are in the right frame of mind.”He congratulated and thanked everyone on the people’s victory on July 31. “Your loud expression was too big to be stolen. Our theme this year is celebrating and claiming people’s victory. In our celebrations today, as we claim our victory, we pledge to conduct ourselves in peace and in full compliance with our constitution and expressing our rights as expressed in that charter. I know I can safely say with pride and certainty that this party remains the only embodiment of the people’s aspiration for transformation and positive change in this country. “There is no party that will tell future aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe accurately as the MDC. We want to act in full compliance with the constitution, he said” President Tsvangirai explained that when you subvert the people’s will like this, you are subjecting the people to do the unconstitutional. “When people invest their lives and confidence in the ballot, you should respect that. Our agenda is to respect the rule of law, the constitution and act in terms of the constitution.We did not form a movement of destruction but a movement for democratic change, that is our value that is our commitment,” he said. He said this anniversary is coming after the greatest electoral test of our time where the rigged elections turned the whole country into national mourning.He explained that the people of Zimbabwe had invested so much in anticipation for change but the people had their hopes shuttered. “They can have the cabinet and have the majority in parliament but they don’t have the people’s agenda. “Today we remember all those who sacrificed for this cause. We honour all those who have been murdered in cold blood, those that have been tortured, those that have been raped, those that have been made homeless in the name of this struggle, we salute and honour them,” he said.He expressed his gratitude to the people for their unwavering support and full commitment to fight for freedom even under harsh conditions. “We are a very proud movement. Your investment in hoping for a better future is not misplaced,” he said.Concerning the most asked question on what happened on elections, President Tsangirai said the elections were predetermined. Robert Mugabe’s announcement on the eve of elections was not genuine. He wanted the MDC to accept the unacceptable when he said “adyiwa ngaabvume.” “Secondly, it was a militarised regime responsible for recruiting 35 000 youths used to rig elections supported by diamond funds, voter’s roll, voter registration and displacement of voters. Most youths between the ages of 18 and 25years were deliberately disenfranchised from registering to vote. Only 10% were allowed to register,” he added. He questioned how a government can pay Nikuv company over 30 million dollars for rigging, when its people are starving adding that even Mugabe was amazed at the way elections were rigged. The president challenged Rita Makarau to explain why 3 million extra ballot papers were printed.President added that, fake voting slips were printed at ministry of youth and there was also the abuse of traditional leaders. He said Traditional leaders should bear the guilty of subverting the will of the people because the people ended up voting for safety instead of change. “We have sufficient evidence to prove this and under no circumstances can this election be credible, free and fair,” said President Tsvangirai. He said after elections we still face a crisis of lack of a legitimate government, a crisis of national expectations, people are wondering what Zanu PF can bring under such a dead cabinet and a crisis of corruption. Looting of national resource will continue unabated Speaking on way forward, he said as a people and a party, they will continue to dialogue with the people. “We want to engage the people so that they tell us which mandate to take,” he said.Vice President Hon Thokozane Khupe said what Zanu PF did was lighting fire of paper.“It does not last. Whether Zanu PF likes it or not Tsvangirai will be in state house one day,” she said.Speaking on the same occasion, Secretary General Hon Tendai Biti said this was the people’s project, and therefore it will not collapse, or die. “The declaration we are making to Zanu PF today is that the people’s struggle is going nowhere, the people movement is going nowhere, the peoples hope are going nowhere until we reach a new Zimbabwe.“ “We have survived heavy blows of stolen elections in June 20000, March 11 20001, March 28 2005. They have been stealing elections, but this time they re defined the art of rigging elections. But we are still standing as a movement with one leader Dr Tsvangirai and one party MDC. We won’t fall, we will be there protecting the people, protecting our struggle, protecting our movement, being watchdogs of Zanu PF’s governance.”Provincial Chairman Julius Magarangoma said as Manicaland, they won the elections. “We were not defeated. We were rigged of our vote. However, we are not going anywhere, we are here to stay until the people’s project is fulfilled.” The celebrations were attended by several party officials, members of the diplomatic core, media personnel and people from all walks of life.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 08:49:26 +0000

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