This news summary is brought to you by Intermicronational World. - TopicsExpress


This news summary is brought to you by Intermicronational World. We are happy to serve as a genuinely alternative news source, and to more than just micronations or alternative polities. Intermicronational World publishes original articles in English and Italian, and often distributes articles in French and Portuguese. UMMOA® is a registered trademark of Cesidio Tallini We are proud to communicate that UMMOA® is now a USPTO-registered trademark. [UMMOA Today] Support the Independence of Cabinda (only another 21 signatures needed!) Cabinda was declared independent in 1975 but occupied by Angolan and Cuban forces that same year. Cabinda has a separate history and culture from Angola and was formerly known as the Portuguese Congo. Chevron Oil and Angolas ruling MPLA Party have extracted billions of dollars in oil from Cabinda. The people of Cabinda want only their own country and government. President Barack Obama is gathering nearly 50 African heads of state in Washington for an unprecedented summit. Send the message to the White House Cabinda must be free – Viva Cabinda! [We the People] Russia, Ukraine leaders meet to discuss conflict Poroshenko said that the Bible says the peacemakers are blessed. Hes right about that, but his troops in the meantime even destroy churches, two in the Donetsk region alone recently [ ]. You cant gain Gods blessings by killing people while theyre praying. [Vatican Radio],_ukraine_leaders_meet_to_discuss_conflict/1105243 The New York Times is an Organ of the US Security State The venerable NYT today is merely a tool of US propaganda. [Global Research] Canada to Russia: We will defend our sovereignty in the Arctic Canada is ready for a confrontation with Russia if it expands its ambitions in the Arctic region, Foreign Minister John Baird told a Danish newspaper. The oil-rich region is set to become a key political battleground in the coming decades. [RT News] rt/news/182992-canada-sovereignty-arctic-russia/ MIT Scientists Explain How Global Warming is Temporarily Cooling Antarctica Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers explain why global warming has led to Arctic losing sea ice, and two different scenarios have been observed in Antarctica. [Nature World News] natureworldnews/articles/8703/20140825/mit-scientists-explain-why-global-warming-temporarily-cooling-antarctica.htm Russia accuses New Zealand of territorial games Russia has accused New Zealand of trying to create a marine protected area (MPA) in the Ross Sea as a cover for asserting territorial claims. []
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:38:17 +0000

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