This page will continue to be focused on sharing personal stories - TopicsExpress


This page will continue to be focused on sharing personal stories and spectrum experiences...but I think its okay to comment once on an issue that represents an enormous setback for the autism community every time it comes up. So...FYI...vaccines do not cause autism. At all. Research that has suggested a link of some sort: it was fraudulent. The continuing efforts to suggest a link are based on a mix of half-baked pseudoscience and panicky conspiracy theories. Now, I know what youre thinking, “Umm...doesnt he know hell get all sorts of nasty comments for bringing this up?!” Its okay, though. Ill be deleting every single comment that promotes anti-vaccine views. Its all good. I have some free time today. And if you disagree so strongly that you no longer wish to follow this is absolutely your right to unfollow. There is nothing wrong with that. Your decision: respected. My goal is not to change anyones mind. My only goal is to state where Im at with this, since the whole issue recently popped back up. Its something Im comfortable mentioning because I personally believe that these anti-vaccine views have done a tremendous amount of harm to the autism community (not to mention the threat to public health). Theyve hijacked a huge amount of discussion space...set back our understanding of autism...and promoted extremely unhelpful stereotypes (autism = damage) along with outdated, ignorant junk science. It needs to stop. Its not going to...these views will likely be around for a very long time. Conspiracy theories are just an unpleasant facet of human nature. Again, I dont expect to change any minds. But what I can do is share some links with relevant information. Some people hear these anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and honestly have no idea what to think. They are confusing, frightening things to hear. Read these links. They help. Vaccines do not cause autism. The controversies and cover-ups you hear about: nonsense. Let me quickly address the one question I receive the most when these issues come up: “What do you say to parents who sincerely believe that vaccines caused their childs autism?” Answer- the same thing I say to people who sincerely believe they were traumatized by an alien abduction: nothing. How people process and interpret the pain in their lives is their business. Its not my place to judge that. How I establish personal criteria for determining what is true, what is false: thats my business. And your sincere beliefs, no matter how intensely you believe them, are just not a part of that criteria. Autism/vaccine myths busted: thinkingautismguide/2014/07/busting-anti-vaccine-myths-while.html Cover-up at the CDC? Nope. 3 posts for you: scienceblogs/insolence/2014/08/28/a-bad-day-for-antivaccinationists-a-retraction-and-the-cdc-whistleblower-issues-a-statement/ scienceblogs/insolence/2014/08/26/the-cdc-whistleblower-manufactroversy-continues-apace/ lizditz.typepad/i_speak_of_dreams/2014/08/the-cdc-the-mmr-vaccine-and-allegations-of-whistleblowing-and-malfeasance-the-backstory.html And if youre just tired of this issue and want to laugh at the absurdity of it all, here is my tweet from earlier today having a little fun with conspiracy theories: https://twitter/M_Kelter/status/505385595448066048 Regular posts resuming tomorrow, thanks guys.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:38:37 +0000

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