This past Saturday 10/18, six Brave Bison Beasts competed in their - TopicsExpress


This past Saturday 10/18, six Brave Bison Beasts competed in their first ever novice/intermediate individual competition. They all began crossfit training within the past year, some less than 3 months ago. Coming from someone that has been in those exact shoes, I know how nerve-racking that situation is. I give these athletes all the respect in the world for simply showing up, let alone performing as well as they did. Competing is NOT what Crossfit is all about, and it is NOT for everyone. Athletes are no better or worse than those that choose not to compete and we all know that. But it does take a certain level of courage to put yourself out there in front of a crowd, by yourself, and compete against a big group of other people. Below is a shout out to all of our members that participated at the Festivus Games in Paramus NJ, hosted by Crossfit The Rack. Sarah Jean competed in the intermediate division. The former collegiate soccer player has been crossfitting since February/2014 and and joined Bison in May/2014. Her fiance told me....Dude if we ever get her in to competing, she can kill it. He was right. Sarah is one of the strongest female Bison at the gym (thats meant to be a compliment trust me) and is improving monthly with all of her movements across the board. Terri Savidge Wiatrak, also a former collegiate soccer player was an attendee to one of Bisons first ever Free Trial Classes back in February. A close friend of hers kept nudging her in the side about Crossfit and we wouldnt be more grateful! (Thanks Kristen Calore Carney.) Ever since then, Terri has been a mainstay at the gym, constantly impressing fellow members with how strong and tough she is. She put some fears aside and competed in the intermediate division as well. Nicole DiDomizio competed in the Beginner division...and finsished that day on the podium in 3rd place after just starting Crossfit in June! We preach mental toughness at the gym on a weekly, maybe even daily basis. Nicoles approach to her workouts practice what we preach there. She just puts her head down and works, non stop, day in-day out. Michael Gerald was the newest member of the herd to compete, also in the beginner division. However he is no stranger to competing, as he just completed the Ragnar Relay in the Adirondacks just a few weeks ago where he ran about 400 miles in a couple days (bit of an exaggeration, but not by much). Mike has taken this form of training by the horns (pun intended) and taken off with it. He is the prime example of an athlete that wants to work on his weaknesses and he has come a LONG way since day one of Crossfit training, which was just 2 months ago! Tyler Campbell is the life of the gym most nights. Just as much as we preach mental toughness throughout this kind of training, we tell our athletes the intnesity (internal or external) needs to be there. We never have to question Tylers level, and his presence alone gets our athletes pumped up to workout hard. In addition, Tyler is a natural with some of the most complex movements youll ever see in this kind of training. What he can do after just 8 months of Crossfit takes most mortals well over a year to acquire. Tyler competed in the intermediate division and youll hear his name again in future competitions, I guarantee it. Marek Kuryłko competed in the mens beginner division...and WON! Marek began training in June and hasnt stopped his rapid incline in performance since. Talk about a guy that puts every ounce of energy in to a workout, Marek was also a the winner of our second ever Bison Benchmark workout, given to the athlete that improves their score the most out of every member in the gym in 5+ week span. He is a prime example of what your daily attitude can do to improve your pursuit of being more physically fit.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:22:33 +0000

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