This should be an exciting time to be a follower of Jesus Christ. - TopicsExpress


This should be an exciting time to be a follower of Jesus Christ. While we may lament all of the changes in our society towards godlessness and lawlessness, two things are true: One, mankind is no more sinful than it has ever been. Fifty years ago society may have more greatly recognized the value of incorporating biblical principles in its operation, but that did not make human beings any less lost, or any less sinful. Secondly, we now have an even greater opportunity to display to the world the reality and power of a God empowered, Spirit-led Christian walk. Our marriages should be radically better and more filled with love than the world’s; we should be far more joyful; we ought to be far more generous, and far less concerned with the latest trends, fads, and diversions of this world. In short, we should be seen as VERY different, now that the world has thrown off any pretense of righteousness. So why aren’t we? Simple. We’ve “dumbed down” Christianity proportionally to the decline of our culture. And in so doing we’ve lost much of the power that our brothers and sisters knew, in previous church generations. We’ve become content to “attend” church, rather than to be it; we’ve exchanged entering into genuine worship for being entertained; we now see the church as what “feeds me” and “meets the needs of my family” rather than the mechanism by which our gifts and talents are combined with the rest of the Body of Christ, so as to amplify its effect to the world; we no longer anguish over sin in our lives, we just redefine grace as a cover up for it; we no longer hunger for prayer and for the Word, we save that for Sunday. That the darkness is greater than ever is beyond debate. The questions are these: “Shouldn’t the light be having MORE affect, as the darkness increases, rather than less?”, and “What are you going to do about it?” -P. Dave
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:19:10 +0000

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