This should be of particular interest to my Christian friends. Its - TopicsExpress


This should be of particular interest to my Christian friends. Its an excellent analysis from a friend of a friend, Mike Perry: HEADLINE: Republicans Have Won The War Through A Pact, Not With The Devil But Just The Opposite I have read much over the years about why liberal and moderate Democrats cannot win back Texas, why other states cannot get the red out of their state legislatures and out of Congress. Tonight, I think I finally convinced myself that I now know why. I figured out in a fit of depression caused by the realization that Republicans will win just about every race they have entered in Texas. It is a fact. Liberals/Progressives were dead meat from the start and we never figured out why (or at least most of us didn’t). Republicans, 99 percent of whom I still think are damned good and damned smart people, have elected hundreds of truly incompetent, crooked, cheating, lying, immoral, unconscionable men and women to Congress, to governorships, to state assemblies, etc. Our state houses and our Congress are a plague on humanity. Given the way Republicans are electing and appointing judges, our judiciary from the state courts to the Supreme Court is almost as bad. I’m not saying that we don’t have a lot of good people in Congress, in state houses, in governors’ mansions and on America’s benches. We do. They are, however, in a minority. This election day, the minority will shrink again, substantially I’m afraid. That is truly depressing. That said, it’s important to know why and get ready for the next fight. We cannot give up, although God knows I’ve been tempted. Texas, for instance, has very strong Democratic statewide candidates. They can talk the talk and I’m convinced that if given the chance they would walk a terrific walk. However: They will lose, probably in double digits. I even fear my favorite and most popular congressman, U.S. Rep. Pete Gallego of Alpine, 23rd District, will fall. A friend told me earlier today, “I don’t think [Republican voters] are evil. I just don’t see how anyone could vote for a tea party Republican and the policies they say they believe in. It amazes me.” It amazes me, too. Here’s what simply boggles my mind: These voters I’m talking about – the ones who vote for these awful men and women – include most of my family, a ton of my friends, people I work with and admire, people I grew up with, people who are rocks in the community, people who will give a stranger the coat off their back, incredibly smart people who make our world go round, make it a better place. I mean, they include many of the people I trust implicitly with my life and Cindys life. Why? Lord have Mercy, “Why, why, why.” I’ve attacked that question with great vigilance for many years. Is it me that’s wrong on everything? Maybe so, maybe so. I don’t think so, but maybe so. I’m always willing to admit a wrong. But let’s hold off just yet on excoriating me. But after a lot of reading and a lot of listening – on every side of every issue I could find time for – I’m convinced of four things: 1. The current incarnation of the Republican Party is wrong on so many issues, is corrupt and is responsible for the vast majority of the divisiveness in this nation; 2. Most liberals and progressives genuinely care about truth, morality and doing the right thing; (3) Most Republican candidates today genuinely care only about how much money they are going to make; (4) 99.9 percent of Democrats don’t have a clue on how to attack Nos. 1 and 3. Which gets us back to: Why? The Republican voters are mostly the same people who elected people like Dwight Eisenhower and even Richard Nixon, both of whom brought pretty good government to Washington. (I don’t want to hear about the Watergate thing right now.) Right? Until tonight, I know some of the answers. Now, I strongly believe I understand the foundation upon which it’s all based. Until tonight, it never really dawned on me where Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and even Libertarians really went wrong. Here’s the deal: I blame it all on John Tower and people he spawned. A lot of Liberals – that is, people who actually care about the nation – trace the Neoconservative surge back to Barry Goldwater. And in a way, that’s a pretty good observation. Except Goldwater was an honorable man, much like my Dad and other men in my family. They all have in common honor, kindness, compassion, conservative values. Tower, the antithesis of a man of honor, was the first of the new breed that was spawned by Big Money and the Serious Guys at the Serious Financial Institutions. By the way, Tower was a largely incompetent professor at Midwestern (what hath you wrought, Wichita Falls) elected to replace LBJ. He was also liar, a cheat, the bagman for all the major military suppliers, a hard-core womanizer, and the honored godfather of the military-industrial complex that Ike (a Republican) warned us about. He was also a warmonger who was in the pocket of every crooked lobbyist in Washington. He even had a scale he charged the various lobbies. Ain’t lying, dudes. It’s in all the proper history books about that period. But that’s only the top of the iceberg. What Tower spawned was a comprehensive thought process that over the years became a plan of attack. In fact, that’s the key word – attack. The Republicans, beginning in the early ‘70s, began an all-out attack on Liberals and Progressives. Not necessarily on what they said, mind you, but on them personally. The key tools in these attacks have been lying, cheating and false accusations. These guys violated all the Ten Commandments and a few more (funny how they are always the first to demand that the Ten Commandments be posted prominently in any government building). Here’s what they did. They began ramping up a campaign to paint Democrats, et al, as Satan, as Evil Incarnate, the cause of all that’s wrong with this world. And they succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Democrats and Liberals thought all they had to do was be truthful, factual, talk logically and discuss the issues collegially. If they did that, the thinking went, voters would understand. That approach has never worked and probably never will work. Tower’s clones learned what they MUST do is paint opponents as people who will destroy all that is dear to the vast majority of citizens. Hell, good, decent Republicans aren’t voting for these current bozos because they like them. Shoot, they don’t even read the platforms. They have been convinced through media, propaganda and big money that Democrats will destroy our freedoms, destroy our constitution, take away our guns, bulldoze our houses or take away our jobs to save spotted owls, etc., etc. Democrats incite our women, they bring illegal poor people into our nation, they probably caused the drug problems we’re having, they like Muslims because those people are out to destroy America, and on and on and on. Doubt me? Take a real look at what Ted Cruz plans to do when he’s elected president. I would not bet against him, with Rick Perrynorelation as his sidekick. See, the deal is, the Republicans are for nothing, except saying no and destroying government and allowing the elite to run the nation as they think it should be. Now, I understood those things. I figured we could fight all that. However, tonight it finally dawned on me what tipped the balance. Pure and simple it was a campaign to portray Democrats as Godless, particularly as opponents of the Christian faith. Before you go on, understand this is no way an attack on religion. I would stack my faith up against anyone’s but I don’t need to proselytize. I revere Jesus of Nazareth. I’m kind of a Christian, or a Jew, but I’m not much for organized religion. I respect most of it, but I’m more a loner in beliefs. My wife’s Jewish, we both grew up in great Christian homes that shaped our beliefs. Here’s what should surprise most Republicans: Most Liberals, Democrats, Socialists, Libertarians, Unitarians, other religions, etc., are people of great faith. In fact, most American Liberals are even Christians. And that’s where a Republican lie became fact in the minds of so many voters. A huge number of voters have become convinced that Democrats are out to destroy Christianity. And not just Christians, but also Catholics, and even Mormons. (That’s sarcasm, folks, or satire; never can get them right.) They’ve done it though above-mentioned media stimulation, propaganda and hate campaigns and billions of dollars from Serious White Men. That’s why so many smart, caring people vote for such cancers on the human condition. Faith, regardless of the name it goes by, means more to us (Americans) than anything, with the exception of family. So many smart Republicans, convinced by lies claiming that Democrats hated their faith and wanted to destroy their faith, decided that the horrible candidates they were seeing were far better than the alternative. The irony is that many Democrats use a similar theory: Well, the Democrat’s a jerk but she’s better than those insane Republicans. So, the people spawned by Tower were the first politicians to really understand how volatile the issue was. In a way, I salute them. They figured out that all they really had to do was portray all Democrats as godless. And anyone in their own party who disagreed with the lying and cheating were also called godless and disowned. Yes, they did a lot of other things, which liberals and Democrats concentrated on. But they’d already lost the war. Can we ever convince people of faith that as far as faith goes, we’re pretty much like them? I think some of us are a bit more forgiving of other faiths or religions, but honest to God we are not Godless, we have no plan to destroy anything. Well, there are the truly godless, the money men behind all the lies and crap that have been doled out about my party. There’s no oath to destroy Christianity or any religion or any belief. We Liberals/Progressives don’t even want to destroy people who are still searching. We just want a fair deal for all Americans. And we certainly want to assure everyone of their individual right to pick his or her faith.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:12:45 +0000

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