This shows just how ignorant people can be: Greenpeace activists - TopicsExpress


This shows just how ignorant people can be: Greenpeace activists went to the Philippines and convinced uneducated people to rip killer plants out to the ground... ALL of our food has been genetically modified over a period of thousands years by farmers. Most of the things we eat dont even remotely resemble the original species they were selectively bred from and a good thing that, as the quality was so poor… Most people who are opposed to GMOs dont even know what the letters stand for much less what a GMO is (although it has become popular to be against them). The fact remains that no research has been able to find a single danger to humans from splicing in proteins to alter the genetics of a crop. It is possible but not very likely. In a sense, you are altering the proteins in your potatoes when you fry them or add mayonnaise to them and the danger is probably about the same. We should take a hard look at the influence-buying of powerful corporations like Monsanto but for the same reasons we should do so with ANY huge corporation - but that has little to do with science...
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:45:14 +0000

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