This story is about a neighboring county Crittenden Co. but more - TopicsExpress


This story is about a neighboring county Crittenden Co. but more particular the city of Marion and the cemetery knows as Pilots Knob. I stated before in an earlier story I went to school at Fredonia, most of the other kids on the Old Fredonia Road went to Caldwell Co. and we had several friends in Crittenden Co. My house or Red & Hilda Cash house or Luther and Agnes Cartwright hill side were often the gathering place for hay rides sleigh rides and stories of haunted places . I was introduced to Pilots Knob Cemetery around 1967. Several students from Fredonia had told of a winking angel statue in the cemetery in Marion. Yes I would go and hold the hand of the angel statue. There happened to be a shed that housed supplies for the caretaker close to the statue. Went to the cemetery and yes if you held her hand long enough and looked into her eyes she would wink, think that was my first girlfriend. Well while I was down on my knees holding the hand of a statue and looking into her eyes, the doors of the shed flew open and out came someone dressed in work clothes with a rake yelling get away from my angel. I probably knocked down most of those with me and half the tombstones running to the entrance. It was a good joke on me and others by some of my classmates. Yes the angel does wink at you. Now back to Pilots Knob. Pilots Knob is located on Fords Ferry Road. I had been told about the little witch girl that was buried there with her mother, seems that both had been executed because of witchcraft. No one knew where the mother was buried but Mary Evelyn Ford was buried there. Since I went to the 88 dip a lot ,I thought I would go check out the cemetery during daylight. Yes there was a marker for Mary Evelyn dated May 9th 1911 - May 31st 1915. Yes there was a fence of crosses surrounding the grave site. The story went if you went there on a foggy night , you could a 5 year old girl with a white dress and Blond hair. She would make faces at you and if you got to close she would reach out and grab at you. She was suppose to be looking for her mother. Her grave was reported to be stone filled and something about a steel encasement. There was also the story told that if you laid on her grave during daylight you could not get back up without the help of someone and if you went alone you would be sucked into the grave. Nice spooky stories. So one night while setting at the 88 dip. There were three other individuals with me. I decided it was time to go see a ghost. Went to the cemetery and it was a foggy night. Got out of the car and approached the grave. Yes I did see what appeared to be a little girl in a white dress with blond hair inside the fence of crosses. I did not need to see any more so left but before I did I heard footsteps behind me. Very audible and it was foot steps, turned and there was nothing there but that was ok I was making tracks of my own. I owned a 1966 GTO ,2 door, but when I left Fords Ferry there were 4 in the front seat and probably room for 2 more. I am sure that one of the young ladies in the car that night last name was Hodge. Never went back to lay on the grave , I had seen and heard enough. Later on I head there was a second ghost there and it had been given the name the Watcher and he would walk up behind you while you were looking at Mary Evelyn. The courthouses in western Kentucky contain a wealth of information so I did some research in the 1990’s on the topic if a mother and daughter had been executed for witchcraft. Could not find any information to confirm that story. Did find out that the mother of Mary Evelyn was suppose to still be alive when Mary Evelyn died. As far as the Watcher I found no information on him. The grave is still there with all the crosses surrounding it. Don’t know if the story still gets past down by thrill seekers or not. I saw what I saw, maybe nothing but my imagination, or maybe it was a little 5 year old looking for her mother. PS. Look out for clowns on the highways tonight. If you have to walk to you car alone and hear footsteps, don’t turn around .
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 23:52:15 +0000

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