This was posted on another of my pages and I feel it deserves your - TopicsExpress


This was posted on another of my pages and I feel it deserves your time. Share this if you agree. Its time WQE stop the ongoing hatred of everything we hold dear and cherish. I was not raised with hatred in my heart and my politics, although Liberal, are about and based in compassion, advancement, empowerment and LOVE. Rebecca Reed posted this on my FB page, but wanted to share it with my fellow Dems: It is to the point now where it almost seems the GOP is purposely on a shock and hate movement. Every country in the world seems to only see this message, and more and more. These people are not changing anything but the view of our country, which is very sad... I would be ashamed to say I was a republican if I were- your spokes people are embarrassing and come across uneducated, mean, and with rage filled angry mental illness issues. Your party is not representative of my past generations republican party heroes; I love Jimmy Carter and if you know history, you know Lincoln was actually a Whig who actually left politics all together once his party was torn apart, going back to his law practice before re-entering politics. What we have now seems to be a mix of Federalist with some sort of Nazi-esque national feel to it and I dont like it. I say this not because I am a radical or a feminist because I dont think I really am either of those things, I am just as you, a human, not unlike any other human who seeks freedom from oppression, security, a safe healthy existence free from war, disease, and persecution and because I want those things, I expect that my right to the list be the same for all humans, as we are all created equal no matter our tint, tongue, internal or external organs. The Republicans held the seat of president for 88 years- the Dems for 85 and we started with a president who was neither. Every decade there is a new right wing scare tactic and a new left wing value... but when, when will there be a time of true early American values spoken? And not British mayflower values- real America; a native America if you will... supporting one another, working together, not being wasteful, respecting the gifts of Earth to us and to our childrens children, a value on people and not on peoples valuables, innovative in a selfless communal way and not for personal greed or desire to control based on a MAN MADE moral compass, equality and a real freedom for anyone to be spiritual or religious without it effecting relationships or starting wars, respect of our elders and investment in our young. Arent all of those things what we all think are important? Whatever your party is, to be honest, I do not care. Just be a good person. Be a good human, and be ANGRY when those who represent you are the opposite of that and speak out against it more than on your Facebook or at the water cooler.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 22:35:50 +0000

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