This was written 7 years ago, but in this season of giving, which - TopicsExpress


This was written 7 years ago, but in this season of giving, which really should be in ALL seasons, on a daily basis., it bears repeating. As always my writings are As MikeOCs IT. Giving it away, inorder to keep it. September 12,2007  “ The lake that couldn’t take it anymore.” Several years ago a man and his wife who had been coming to see me for about 4 years, once or twice a week, asked me if I could explain the statement; “ You have to give it away in order to keep it.” This is the way I put it to them. So you begin to gain access to God, God’s Power or the Creative Forces. Once this new Power starts flowing in you must keep giving of this Power, to the aid of your fellow man and our universe as you are inspired to do so. There may be times when you feel you are being totally drained of the Power and may feel that you just can’t give anymore, but if you are in sync with our universe new Power and inspiration will flow in. If, out of fear, you stop and try to keep the Power that you receive all for your own benefit the flow of Power will stop and you will begin to get that empty feeling inside again. You will end up blocking yourself from the very Powers that brought you into a life that revolves around, Gratefulness, Warmness, Tenderness, Kindness, Gentleness, Forgiveness, Humbleness and Peacefulness. As I was talking to them, through inspiration this story example begin to come to my mind. I have never written it out before now, but since that day have told it many times. You see, there was this lake high in the mountains. A beautiful turquoise blue lake nestled among the mountains full of life , fish , frogs , plants, you know all the things that live in a mountain lake. This lake had survived as a lake for hundreds, maybe thousands of years because of rain fall, snow run off and maybe a couple of small springs. Then came one really hot early Spring season. The snow melted quickly and the lake filled to almost over flowing. As the very hot Spring season went on, of course water evaporated from the lake everyday. This was a natural thing so the lake wasn’t bothered by this too much. It just kept Be ing a lake. Through the Summer season the lake kept losing more and more water to evaporation. Then one morning the lake said I can’t give up any more water or I will not be a lake anymore. So out of fear the lake quit just Be ing a lake and took matters into it’s own hands. The lake proceeded to pull a lid tightly shut over itself and thought , now I have stopped losing my water, so the fish and all the living things that depend on my water for their lives will be okay and so will I. As we know it is evaporation that causes the rain and snow to fall. These are the Powers that kept the lake a lake and the springs flowing. Now because the lake had stopped the evaporation in order to stop giving of itself there was no rain or snow. Also because the lake had closed the lid there was no oxygen to support the living things in the lake so they all died. The water in the lake became sick or stagnant and although the lake knew that it needed to open the lid it was just too sick and weak to pull it back open. Of course, without the snow and rain all the trees and plant life on the mountains, whose roots held the mountains together to form the small basin that provided a home for the lake died. The mountain sides slid into the basin and where there once was a beautiful turquoise lake, teeming with all kinds of life, there was now nothing but a dead gravel pit. All of this tragedy because the lake filled with fear, blocked itself and quit giving back of the Power it was given. So see, I told them, as long as you do the necessary things to keep the Spirit the sixth sensor open, you will be given the open mindedness, willingness and genuineness to keep the fear of running out of Power from blocking you from receiving more Power. Most of us have times in our life when we began to feel just like that lake. We reach a point when we feel like we just can’t give anymore, but if we stay open and keep giving of the Power we receive, new Power will flow in. That is guaranteed. Be ing individuals, each and everyone of us Be ing unique in our own way, we will not all be inspired to give back in the same ways. But one thing is for sure, whether it is God, God’s Power or the Creative Forces that is your source of Power, if you don’t give it away in the way that is asked of you , you won’t be able to keep it flowing and without that Power you are doomed to the seemingly hopeless state of mind and being. So remember, We have to give it away in order to keep it! Thank-you to all who take time to read these writings of mine. I must admit at times a little fear of putting my writings here tries to sneak in, but I know as long as I keep giving it away new Power will flow in to give me the courage to do as I am inspired to do. Until we talk again, Bye for now Special friends. :)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 14:10:35 +0000

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