This week 10 Downing Street #Gagged its #people David Camerons - TopicsExpress


This week 10 Downing Street #Gagged its #people David Camerons government passed the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill. A bill gagging charities, #NGO’s, bloggers, community groups and most attempts at organised opposition to the #government in the year prior to a general election…and just in time for the #GeneralElection next year. This bill does not take on the political power of #wealthy #corporate #lobbyists. Instead, it kneecaps any attempts at organised local and national opposition by #civil #society, so as not to influence the outcome of general elections. It is a gagging law. What Now? ...... One word: #Resist. #Charities, #campaigners, community groups and yes, #bloggers like myself, will now figure out exactly what their legal standing is in this dark new age of #restricted #speech – we just don’t know. But regardless of whether our opposition is legal or not, in coming months and years, we should not bow our heads in resigned acceptance of this most blatant attack on hard won #democratic rights. It is not enough for us to wave our hands, sigh and comply. If opposing the government in a non-violent way such as organising a leafleting campaign, or transporting people to protests, or writing blogs and petitions calling on voters to act in their own interests is #illegal – then let us break the law. Thomas Jefferson once wrote: “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” Well, man or woman, our time has come.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 12:24:55 +0000

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