This weeks cowboy wisdom thought. What is that smell ? Have you - TopicsExpress


This weeks cowboy wisdom thought. What is that smell ? Have you ever been around someone who did not wear deodorant? Thats a smell that you will never forget. A smell that is rancid and offensive. I have been around that kind of person on hot summer days when you couldnt get far enough away from them because of that offensive odor. On the other hand I have been around people who were sweating as much as I was and they were not offensive ,they were wearing deodorant to help cover up this smell of body odor. Have you ever been around someone with an offensive attitude? That attitude smells just as rancid as bad body odor. And some days they can cover up the offensive attitude with a false face. But they cant change the way they are inside. Only Christ can change us from the inside out! Only Christ can cleanse us from our sins, and our sinful nature. We cant do this on our own. In 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 vs 14 thru 16 Paul writes But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and threw us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death, to the other, the fragrance of life. Think about this, we are to be salt and light unto this earth. What this verse is telling us is that people will know Christ through us. When people look at us they are to smell Christ, they are to know that you are a child of the Most High God! In the book the ( Crucified life,) by Dr Sam Drye. He writes this on page 20. I wrote in my Bible this definition of forgiveness; Forgiveness is the fragrance that the blossom leaves on the heel of the boot that crushes it. So what kind of fragrance do you give off when somebody stepped on you? As we said, it is not very pleasant. Therefore we need this cross life, the Crucified life. Being a Christian takes work. We need to dedicate our lives, be a living sacrifice (Romans chapter 12) so that others may be saved. We can not fully be used to our potential without dying to our own self will. Living for God requires sacrifice! You may say what does that sacrifice look like? In everyday terms it may look like letting that person behind you in line go ahead of you. It may mean giving up your time of what you had plans to do to go visit that elderly relative or friend in the home. It may mean taking time out of your busy day, a day when you have no time at all, to help someone else. Everyone wants to know why they are here on this earth. They read of all the spiritual gifts that the Spirit gives, such as healing, prophecy , speaking in tongues, and they say I have none of these talents! But Paul tells us in first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 2 he says if I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love I am nothing. Did you get that? The most important gift that each one of us can find in our life and give to others and share with everyone is Love!!!! Jesus gave us the most important commandment. He said love God with all of your heart and all of your mind and all of your soul! But just as important is to love others as much as you love yourself! If we can do that we can change this world! Nothing is impossible with God! It wont be easy, it will be difficult! But we can love one another! So I ask you, what kind of fragrance are you giving off? I hope and pray it is the fragrance of love. May God bless you and watch over you, and may He show you love and the definition of love , until we meet again my friends! Your friend in Christ Brad Adios amigos!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:43:43 +0000

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