This will probably be long, so bear with me: I saw a post - TopicsExpress


This will probably be long, so bear with me: I saw a post yesterday on another Facebook page for dogs. (Not a V page.) A member posted that he was considering Euthanizing his 1 year old Boxer dog because of his severe separation anxiety. Supposedly, his vet had suggested it. I had, to say the least, an immediate and overwhelming visceral reaction to this. A million thoughts came to mind, some of which are: you cant be serious! If there is truly a vet out there that would euthanize a healthy, vibrant dog due to separation anxiety, he or she should IMMEDIATELY lose their license to practice veterinary medicine. What kind of ignorant guardian of a dog would even think that this is a viable option, let alone seriously consider it?!?!? The rest of the thoughts I had are not FB appropriate, but you get the idea. I have been dealing with severe anxiety with both of my 4-legged loves over the last couple of months. To say the very least, I have been stressed, frustrated to the point of tears, overwhelmed and anxious myself. Having 2 dogs can be both a blessing and a curse. Ashton looks to Ethan for his behavior cues. Ethan freaks out during storms, Ashton develops anxiety because Ethan is not ok, and before you know it, I have 2 frantic, freaked out dogs every time I leave the house. I have cancelled many plans, so I dont have to leave them and worry about what Ill come home too. Blood, urine, feces, sheer destruction-you name it, its happened here. My point during this very LONG rant is this: if you are dealing with unwanted behavior from your fur kid(s), you are not alone. Whether it be chewing, house breaking, reactivity, aggression, resource guarding, anxieties-someone else has been there before and come out on the other side. I encourage you to reach out! To friends, other dog lovers, trainers, behaviorists, your vet, anyone and everyone. Try everything within your means. Try things you never thought in a million years would work. Scented plastic calming collar? I tried it. Music album specifically to calm the canine brain. Have it. In fact its been playing nonstop in my house for the last 48hrs. Thundershirt? Have 2. Calming diffuser with dog pheromone? Ordered it. Calming supplements? I have them all. Prescription anti-anxiety meds? Check. Massage therapy (wonderful), TTouch (I took a class. Google it. Awesome). Classical conditioning, counter classical conditioning? Done that! Been at my vets office or on the phone with them so many times all I have to say is Hi, its Becky and they immediately start talking about all the thunder weve been having and asking how Ethan and Ashton are holding up. (Faithful Friends Animal Hospital in Colorado Springs is a phenomenal vet, by the way!!!!) Ok-again, my point is, something will work for you and your dog!!!! One thing or any combination of things. You have to be willing to keep an open mind and be patient. I have cried, wanted to pull my hair out and thought I was failing my dogs. Ive been a wreck. But I am happy to report, I have had 2 days without incident! Ethan, Ashton and I are all much more relaxed and I feel like I may have a better grip on my sanity. I will not trick myself into believing that 2 days means the problem is solved, but we are making huge strides! If you have made it through this VERY long post, thank you. If you have a dog with separation anxiety, storm anxiety, or anxiety of any kind, PM me if you want suggestions. I havent tried everything, but I think Im probably pretty dang close. And I think all 3 of us are close to coming out on the other side of this thing. And the bonus? I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge, found patience I didnt even know I had, and am on my way to having happier and more well adjusted dogs than I did before. And one other thing: Ashton and I were meant for each other. He was supposed to be with me, if for no other reason than he has taught me more about dogs and dog behavior in the last 6 months than I couldve ever hoped to learn with an easy dog. Hes a challenge for sure, but a challenge I gladly accept and take on with love and commitment.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 01:56:27 +0000

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