This year a beautiful child from our local area passed away cruely - TopicsExpress


This year a beautiful child from our local area passed away cruely to Cancer. Her voice can be heard echoing with such intensity and beauty through the speakers, if you walk through the middlesbrough shopping centres. Every time I walked and would hear her music, it touched me and confused me, Why do children have to die so cruely. Why do parents have to loose there precious babies?. ITS WRONG....... As time passed, she never left my thoughts for long, this pretty child touched me deeply and tonight as I became lost in thoughts, my impulsive side came back out... Some of you will know I am currently training for my first half marathon. I wont be fast, I probably wont run it all, but I will make it over the line. I have a time goal, its snails pace, but its my pace and im excited beyond excited about taking part for many reasons. 1) I wanted to raise funds for a charity that was part of who I am, diagnosed with Meningitis at 14 and fearful for my own children every year I quickly had my chosen charity.... 2) Im battling for my own health and wellbeing. March 2012 I hit a low so dark in my own life, I couldnt see past my nose. I started to fight, and with every day I became stronger. On this journey and its been up and down the whole way, I found running. Im not a natural runner. I turn purple quick, im not fast, I gasp for breath and my body takes ages to warm up, but it did something for me mentally that no other exercise did. It cleared my thoughts, it made me extremely emotional and it made me proud of myself....yeh, proud of myself. I said it, first time ever ;) 3) I never wanted my babies to see me as a lazy fat mam, even at my heaviest I always wanted them to be happy, id struggle into a bather and take them swimming, cringing at my body. Id walk till my hips and back burnt, but I wanted them to be free so I did it.... 4) I wanted my boys to see, that you dont have to be the best, the fastest, the strongest in life to achieve. U can be right at the very back in any race and still the winner, if you had to fight to do it. Nothing in life that comes easy will ever free you in your mind, it will never change your soul. It wont bring you strength... 5) Im a bloody stubborn old mule, Id just forgot I was and got lost in life.. 6) I wanted my mam to be proud of me. 7) I wanted to push myself to my limits. 8) I wanted to show other ladies, friends etc, that your size dont matter. You just have to let go of what others think of you and try, try your bloody damndest. Stumble but keep getting back up time and time again. Fitness is a journey, its not over in a few weeks, months of years..... The last year proved that too me 9) I wanted to pass the finish line and smile, be proud and think to all the people that have never believed in me, or only seen one side and say... LIFES ABOUT HAPPINESS< CHALLENGES
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:26:00 +0000

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