Thomas Hook Write-in-Candidate NM 3rd Congressional - TopicsExpress


Thomas Hook Write-in-Candidate NM 3rd Congressional District hookforcongress Water is a major concern in eastern New Mexico. What is your position on the Ute Water Project and how would you work to help it start pumping water into this area before we reach crisis? I will Champion a real shovel ready jobs program that will bring water to the drought areas of the United States. Constructing desalination plants along the Gulf of Mexico and the West Coast are common sense solutions. These projects alone will require thousands of miles of pipelines, creating thousands of construction jobs for New Mexico. We can make our state Green by creating new lakes with natural waterfalls, planting thousands of trees, installing state of the art sprinkler systems. Installing pipelines dedicated to replenishing aquifers will encourage investment and new business opportunities for New Mexico. The Ute Water Project is a band aid solution. We need to think bigger and better if we want to transform our economy and our quality of life. Farming and dairy production opportunities will significantly increase. The Democrats “Shovel Ready” stimulus package cost taxpayers $862 Billion dollars and still we did not get the water shortage resolved. Senator Udall and Rep. Lujan failed to bring water to New Mexico and the shovel ready jobs!! Rep. Lujan is not a leader, he is a follower. Unlike Rep. Lujan, I will fight for N.M. and provide the real leadership we deserve. What kind of programs would you introduce to create more jobs in the state, particularly in eastern New Mexico? I will Champion a real shovel ready jobs program that will bring water to the drought areas of the United States. This water project alone will ensure water for future generations and create thousands of “actual” jobs. We will be known as the generation that woke up from Politics and did the right thing as Americans for our future and our children’s future! • Military Veterans will be at the top of the “SHOVEL READY” HIRING LIST!! • On the job training at “actual” job sites--classroom training provided-- getting paid a minimum of $10.10 an hour!! • Non-Violent New Mexicans locked up for being stupid—classroom training at lock-up facility and possible transportation to job sites--Getting paid at least $10.10 an hour!! • Immigration status questionable?? Rep. Lujan did nothing to help any of us-- IMMIGRATION not done-- not even attempted--PUNTED on 1st down—instead rammed the center piece of SOCIALISM down our throats OBAMACARE!! No Water for New Mexico-- $862 Billion pissed away!! • Vote every Democrat out and these projects will promptly start and Immigration Reform will move forward!! Unlike the failed promises of the Democrats, I will keep mine!! • Construct Hydro-Electric plants-- Bringing water here anyway—MORE JOBS! Cannon Air Force Base is a major economic resource in eastern New Mexico area. What would you do to ensure the base stays open and continues growing? As a 20 year Air Force Veteran I can tell you this fact. Our Military requires a lot of energy/resources to function. I will 100% fully support the oil, gas and minerals industries in New Mexico!! The people of New Mexicos third congressional district must also support these industries by electing supporters of energy independence. My fellow Americans, elections have consequences!! The very same people who claim there “IS” climate change and are sooo concerned about the environment?? Are the very same people who promised Immigration Reform!! I wish these people cared about our Military Veterans as much as they care about bugs and fungus!! Economic Justice is Energy Independence!! When the cost of energy is low, job opportunities increase and the cost of living goes down and our quality of life goes up!! It’s that simple…Cannon AFB would save millions of dollars yearly in energy costs and material costs. Base Housing occupants will NOT have to pay for utilities that used to be provided as a Perk. More Civilian positions would be created with the savings from energy costs alone. One less unemployed Veteran leads to one less homeless Veteran leads to one less Veteran committing Suicide. What is your stance on immigration? I will support a plan that provides for instant U.S. Citizenship for Dreamers. Ensuring they will have a voice in the direction of our Country in the 2016 Elections which is the next Presidential Election. I will also support a plan giving Preferential Treatment to our Neighbors to the South. We need to immediately seal our Borders and Seaports and prevent anymore terrorists from entering our Country (they are already here). Over a 20 year Military Career I had the Privilege of serving with many First Generation Americans. Their allegiance to America was a lot stronger than the average American. Immigrants should finally be brought out of the shadows and allowed to exercise their Constitutional Rights. I am also tired of seeing my fellow Christians being abused by the Democrats. Once Immigration Reform passes-- shovel ready will begin to kick into gear—jobs available for all of us. The Democrats will fight to give you a driver’s license, in-state tuition, sanctuary cities but failed to make you U.S. Citizens while they were in the Majority. The sad part of Immigration not being passed is what we got in return Obamacare another big lie by the Democrats!! What can be done to fix the divisiveness in Congress? The only way to fix the divisiveness in Congress is to elect people who will truly represent the people of their district over the interest of Party Leaders. I do have a plan to put New Mexicans back to work. I understand compromise and will do my reasonable best to meet in the middle. I will fight to advance opportunities and prosperity for all of us. I know I am the Underdog in this race and I know I am the best Candidate for N.M.s 3rd Congressional District. What’s Lujan’s plan? More lies…What’s Byrd’s plan? Run away. I would like to use this opportunity to let you know this 20 year Veteran is not happy with the way I have been treated. From the Republican Party busting my chops, the media that refused to cover me and excluded me from any Debates/Forums. The only Organization to show me any Honor or Respect was The League of Women’s voters. They invited me and I graciously accepted and assumed Byrd and I would tag team Lujan. Byrd criticized The Forum and questioned the Ladies Honor and Integrity. I stayed and took Lujan to Task. The next day’s Headlines; Byrd walks out. WTF…
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:01:07 +0000

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