Those Republicans, who believe that Ted Cruz was shooting from the - TopicsExpress


Those Republicans, who believe that Ted Cruz was shooting from the hip when he made his infamous stand to defund Obamacare, are looking through a narrow and faulty lens. Arguments against defunding Obamacare were 1) Let the ACA fall apart on its own....and....2)It will make the Republicans look bad........These arguments against Cruz are empty as they ignore the behavior from this administration that Cruz exposed by allowing the partial shutdown. Because of Cruz and his forthright stand, the American people were witness to the extreme and unwarranted measures that Obama and his minions were capable of putting upon the American people. Americans were stunned as this America-hating president punished the U.S. military and veterans as political leverage. He denied the WWII veterans the right to view and touch the very war memorial that honored their sacrifices. He prohibited the overseas troops from viewing sporting events. He shutdown the national parks, even denying tourists from stopping to gaze at Mount Rushmore. The parking lot at Mount Vernon was closed down, even though the Ladies of Mount Vernon own the national landmark. The veterans who travelled to Washington to protest the closing of the WWII Memorial were met by Capitol Police in riot gear. A park ranger admitted that he was told to make the American people as uncomfortable as possible. And the list goes on. The American people NEEDED to see this display of arrogance and tyranny........The Republican Establishment may feel that it would have been better to let the ACA fail rather than to defund it, but had Obamacare been defunded, there would be 5 million Americans right now who would still have their insurance. Preferring political expediency rather than the medical security of these 5 million people is akin to Democrat tactics...the ends justifies the means........Ted Cruz is a visionary, and the other Republicans are wearing blinders.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:05:30 +0000

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