Those of you that know me very well know that am fairly - TopicsExpress


Those of you that know me very well know that am fairly level-headed and dont get riled up without probable cause. Things dont normally get through my thick skin but the topic below is one that has gnawed at me in the passed and has been brought to the surface after watching a PBS documentary on childhood bullying. I was both touched and angered this evening to the point I was both in tears and was seeing starts. So here is my very uncharacteristic rant. As a child growing up, I personally experienced some of this by a few classmates. I was always small, thin, a little shy (yeah thats hard to believe, right?) and my ears were large and stuck out a little more so I was a marked target to some degree. My parents instilled high moral values on me and my siblings and when I brought it to my parents attention my Dad, addressed it directly with the father of the other. An apology followed by the other child and he later was one of my best friends. Nipped in the bud by my father. I find it appalling by the lack of attention and enforcement within our school systems, city officials and the law enforcement. Oh and the parents of the children in some cases that show little to know compassion or dont take their child seriously. - The saying Boys will be Boys or Girls will be Girls is not an appropriate response to your childs compassionate pleas for your attention. - If a child repeatedly complains to his parents go unanswered by his best friends (in this case his parents), who else are they able to rely on - Morals and values are to be taught at home - not the responsibility of the teachers, principals, school boards or the law enforcements - it it the responsibility of the parent(s). Its called responsible parenting when you teach your kids right from wrong, and that bullying will not be accepted by their child against others and what ever forms of accepted discipline within your home will be invoked if it does happen. - There should be near zero tolerance in our school systems for child bullying. If a child complains of bullying, it should be taken seriously at all times and quickly addressed by the school officials with the offender and the childs parents notified immediately and marked on the childs school record with some form of child guidance counseling for both students (victim and offender). 2nd offenses result in an extended suspension and 3rd with expulsion indefinitely. - While my rant on addressing the issue may not be logical to some, there should be some form of punishment that puts the parent of the offending child and the child into an accountable situation. - Physical bullying should involve filing of charges with law enforcement and involvement child services involved to address the issue with the offenderss parents because apparently something is not being addressed at home. Required counseling services done with both the parent(s) and offending child. Restraining orders from future contact of the child victim by the offending child. - how many kids in this world have to be bullied to the extent they feel completely outcasted, develop they sense they are worthless or worse, commit suicide? - If a bartender is responsible for serving drinks to someone that ultimately is allowed to leave drunk, cause an accident and kill or injure another human being, then why isnt an offending child or their parent held responsible for the victimized child that in way too many cases has resulted in suicide. The statistics are horrifying on the number of incidents each year. ..end of rant.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:57:19 +0000

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