Those that would live as free people dont ask or petition for - TopicsExpress


Those that would live as free people dont ask or petition for their God given Rights. Nor do they ask for their property to be returned, they DEMAND IT, by any means at their disposal. Its long past time our lands be returned to Idaho. Its long past time we end Federal over reach and usurpation of the powers granted under the Constitution. Its time we slap the hands away that are bent on reaching to the bottom of our pockets and in to the deepest corners of our lives. Its time we exert our State sovereignty as our Federalist system was designed to operate under. Elect people that will fulfill this role and this sacred duty as representatives that work for us. Not for more dependency on a morally and fiscally bankrupt Federal government. Vote John T. Bujak Vote Lawrence Denny Vote Sage Dixon Vote Heather Scott Vote Christian Fioravanti Vote Terry Capurso Vote Lee Pinkerton
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 21:16:05 +0000

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