Thought for the Day! There is no greater feeling than completing - TopicsExpress


Thought for the Day! There is no greater feeling than completing an objective. I sometimes run a designed route within the city. The initial 2/3 of the route often changes, but each route funnels back to the same final 1/3. It is at that final 1/3 portion when I realize that completion is just around the corner. But I must confess it seems like the older I get, the harder it is to complete. I sometimes find myself getting half way thru the run and telling myself that I wanna quit. But man what a feeling when I don’t quit and complete the course! The thing my mind had tried to convince my body to do only minutes earlier now turns to a joy of accomplishment. Today’s thought is for someone who is contemplating giving up right in the middle. Your mind is telling you that you won’t make it so just give up. Here’s my encouragement to you! Just know that completion is right around the corner. Once you get there, I promise you will look back and recognize that it may have been tough, but with God’s help, YOU HAVE MADE IT! Have a great weekend, Family!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:18:39 +0000

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