Thought of the day When one Makes A decision that could effect - TopicsExpress


Thought of the day When one Makes A decision that could effect the rest of their lives as well as others. A person should really think about the action they make, because with all actions have reactions. If the decision you make, is all out of revenge to make someone pay for something in your mind *did you dirty or wrong* Remember ever action has a reaction With that being said, once you follow through with that action, there really is no turning back. Because you already set the ball in motion Just because your action was did not produce the reaction your really were hoping for, so you can once and for all have a party to celebrate your victory, because you know thats what life is about. partying and letting everyone else pay your way... The reaction was that you need to own up and take responsibilities of what you did. You and you alone made that decision to put you where you are today. Really doesnt matter what bird was chirping in your ear and telling what you should and shouldnt do. At the end of the day, it is your decision and no one elses. Your actions result in many reactions, and if those were and are not the reactions you expected, stop faulting the one you went after, own up, take responsibly and suck it up, and move on... It is up to you and your ownself to make a better future, specially since your action caused so much chaos. With many you were supposed to love... Instead of plotting your next revenge, why dont you look back on life, and see where those actions made your life today. If you would of stopped the ball rolling long ago, you wouldnt be at a dead standstill today, blaming the one person your plot never hurt. At the end of the day, dont matter what you dish out, there is always one person rising above yourself. And my friend, it isnt you, but the person you blame every breath of yours, for your faults and shortcomings of life. Start rolling down the right road and cut the bad out of your life, and well maybe, maybe you wont feel like you been betrayed, because at the beginning of this, it was your betrayal that led to today and the one thing you despise. Actions have a reactions, dont cry and blame those who been there for ya through thick n thin.. Maybe you ought to look at those cause you the troubles in your head, and maybe tomorrow will be brighter if only you take the darkness out.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:09:49 +0000

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