ThoughtBuzz, a social media intelligence company, conducted an - TopicsExpress


ThoughtBuzz, a social media intelligence company, conducted an online case study on the reactions received on Supreme Court’s verdict on Sanjay Dutt’s involvement in the ’93 Mumbai Blasts Case. The data has been monitored from the period of 21st March 2013 – 24th march 2013. Some of the key findings from the study are listed below: While the politicians and B-town came out all in support of the veteran actor, the masses largely supported the Supreme Court’s decision. The 250Cr at stake in the Sanjay Dutt’s still to be released movies has gotten the Bollywood counting finances. Digvijai Singh’s statement “Sanjay Dutt not terrorist, committed crime at young age” attracted a lot of negative reaction. Press Council Chairman Justice Markandey Katju’s letter to the Maharashtra Governor seeking to commute the sentence of Sanjay Dutt also has received severe criticism from the masses. Twitter remained the source with maximum percentage (39%) of the mentions followed by 26% of the data coming from the various News portals pushing out the news feed on the Supreme Court’s verdict. Public Bole Sanjay Dutt is the culprit, Bollywood he was just a “baby”: More than 1/3rd of our data mapped contained only reactions and statements from the various celebrities from B-town, the politicians and the masses on the announced sentence on Sanjay Dutt. The picture was clear – while the Bollywood and the politicians came out all in support of the veteran actor, the masses stood by the court’s sentence. ‘Sanjay Dutt is innocent, I feel very sad’, said Jayaprada, the Indian Film Actress and Politician. The B-town and the politicians came out in full support of the actor and several statements justifying Sanjay Dutt as a noble citizen and undeserving of the sentence announced by the Supreme Court became viral on the internet within no time. ‘Sanjay Dutt is not a terrorist, he worked for riot victims’, said Abu Azmi, the state president of Maharashtra Samajwadi Party. Also stood in support Film producer Pritish Nandy and was quoted saying ‘Second jail term will destroy Sanjay Dutt’. With about 250cr at stake in the movies industries if the veteran actor goes to jail, the Bollywood is also calculating its finances for the year. Blaming his actions to young age Digvijai Singh, Indian National Congress Leader and Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh said, ‘Sanjay Dutt not terrorist, committed crime at young age’. The statement invoked much rage and opposition all over. Despite the celebrities standing in full support of Sanju Baba and being ready to accept his actions as an act of young age the public does not support the actor on any grounds. A tweet supporting the court sentence read as follows getting reprieve or pardon for any celebrity #sanjayduttby means of organising protests will set a devastating precedence in the country — mohit chaudhary (@chaudharym592) March 22, 2013 Tweets and comments requesting the people to boycott the actors movies were found to be taking rounds of the internet frequently. I think all patriotic Indians MUST boycott movies of EVERY star coming in support of #SanjayDutt / lets show them their place! — Alok Bhatt (@alok_bhatt) March 22, 2013The post Reactions of the Masses on Social Sphere After Sanjay Dutt’s Supreme Court Verdict appeared first on Social Samosa | Indian Social Media Knowledge Storehouse.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:01:09 +0000

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