Thoughts about TRUTH revised and finished: How much can I say - TopicsExpress


Thoughts about TRUTH revised and finished: How much can I say about the word truth? The lie and deceit were first used in the Garden of Eden when Satan, while in the form of a serpent, said to Eve, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” As Eve had previously stated in this scripture, she knew that she was not supposed to partake of this particular tree because God had told them both not to do so. Why did she do it? What was she thinking? And, why did she deliberately defy Almighty God? What about Adam? How could Adam be so deceived by Eve that he too partook of the forbidden fruit? They both used their freedom and liberty that God gave them to choose with to choose, and they both chose wrong. Maybe they didn’t know the difference between truth and fiction, it maybe that they wanted more authority, more power or more something. Who knows what they were thinking at the time, but the results of their thoughts are evidence that they were thinking wrongly. Whatever their thoughts were that caused them to believe these lies ultimately cost them their lives and caused them much pain and sorrow before their deaths. Why? These things happened because, they defied Almighty God’s specific instructions. Deceit remains one of the most powerful tools used by Satan to deceive mankind into believing a myriad of things that are just not true. Telling people to search for truth and the importance of truth is similar to telling people to laugh because laughter is important for their health. We laugh because we feel that something is so funny and we can’t help ourselves but to laugh. Yes laughter is good for our health and it doesn’t hurt to try to find a little humor in almost everything, but laughter is something that cannot be faked nor can it be conjured up at will. There are things worse than phony laughter. However, phony laughter is obviously an untruth or a lie. Have you ever attending the show of a standup comedian who is using old material that isn’t very funny? (If you are watching it on TV you probably change the channel.) People are forcing themselves to laugh because they want to be happy and in someway they think laughing will do the trick. You may be laughing along with them to be polite, or to go along with the crowd, but deep inside yourself, you know that the laughter is not true. Everyone around you seems to be laughing. How can this be? Why do intelligent people continue to believe things that are obviously not true? There are hundreds of reasons, in this case, they probably just want to feel good and happy. In all honesty the heckler in the crowd is probably the only honest one there. Of course there will be a few people that are not even smiling and some who are asleep. If (the big word, if) we were more interested in the truth than we are our own ideas of what truth should be we just might find it, we might have a new ability to see it and we might have more ability to understand it. Sir Winston Churchill, The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain during WWII, said of truth; “Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” Sir Winston’s statement seems simple enough. Why is it that a vast number of Americans will not or cannot grasp this fact? The truth is that there are many political leaders (one in particular, I won’t insult you by mentioning his name) who demonstrate their willingness to use deception and deceit in almost everything they do. They are either incompetent, or they are diabolical in their nature, full of envy, hatred and arrogance. Either way these people have made the deliberate decision to deceive their constituents. Sometimes they have been deceptive so often and for so long that they have become pathological and they believe their own deceit. These are certainly bona fide IGMOS. The people that are easiest to deceive are the people that are interested in their own version of the truth, these people could care less about the real truth. They are interested only in themselves. They are selfish, arrogant and self-centered. These people are bona fide IGMOS, because they are incapable of knowing the truth. (brings to mind the words of Jack Nicholson in the movie “A few good men, “You can’t handle the truth!” which was in fact was a lie as well.) Other people that are easy to deceive are the working people who scrape to make ends meet. Many of them hold down two maybe three jobs, and are trying to raise children. They scrape and scrimp to keep food on the table. These people maybe a little ignorant but they are not moronic. Their biggest problem is that they are hurting and they are willing to accept the lies along with the food stamps. (There is something we Christians could learn from this. People will be willing to hear the truth after a good meal.) With a little education and honest opportunity this group could learn to love truth. Some America are 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients. Many of these recipients have learned to work the system. These are takers and they are extremely unhappy people. The truth about work is that it is not a curse. Work is a fantastic blessing. Adam, the first man created by God, worked in the garden. The curses didn’t begin until after Adam and Eve were deceived and believed the first lie. This group of Americans are bona fide IGOMS. There are people who gain their wealth form the status quo. These individuals have learned to churn the present political system. (Some of them are deceivers themselves.) They have learned to make money and obtain power during times of prosperity and/or during times of famine. They will go to whatever means necessary in order to create wealth and power. Wars, death, famine, destruction, desolation and pain are of no concern to them. Why would they be interested in truth? Truth would require that they be more productive and less decadent. This is another group of Americans who are arrogant, self-serving and think only of themselves. They believe the only truth is their own truth which in reality is not true at all. Truth would be extremely beneficial to them, but they can’t see it because they choose not to see it. Why are they this way? I don’t know. They are, however, another set of bona fide IGMOS. So, what is to be done? People cannot be forced to see and understand truth anymore than they can be forced to love their neighbor. Deceit and deception are sent to us in a powerful way by a powerful force. This force is evil in its character and the highest evil within it is Satan himself. The Holy Bible is one place where truth can be found. IGMOS would have you believe that the Bible is nothing more than a book of fables. But, the truth is that the Bible is much more than that. It contains the truth. It was written by God’s instruction. Jesus himself stated in John 14:6: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” IGMOS would have you believe another lie, that Jesus is not what Jesus said that he was. But, you know what? There is evidence everywhere that Jesus was alive, that he was crucified, that he arose from the grave and that he ascended to Heaven. And that presently He sits by His Father in Heaven. IGMOS and Communist would have you believe that we just happened, that there is no Creator, no Christ, no Savior, no Heaven and no Hell. We just happened to evolve over millions of years of evolution. The very idea of evolution is such an obvious lie that it takes a bona fide IGOM to believe it. That is about all I have to say about that right now. ~Adverse Yaw
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 17:13:00 +0000

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