Thoughts from Chief Sjolander... If youve ever shared anything, - TopicsExpress


Thoughts from Chief Sjolander... If youve ever shared anything, please share this... We are still working on our burglery and have received a lot of great information, that being said, I want to make it a lot harder for people to take items that do not belong to them. One of the ways they are doing this is by walking into unlocked homes at all times of the day or night and taking purses, wallets, etc. They are also going through unlocked vehicles and taking whatever they can. Im begging you all to please lock your homes, garages, and vehicles regardless if you live in a large town, small town, or the counrty. Ive never locked my house, if they want in, they will get in Ive heard the above statement a lot over my career and while I understand its not convenient to always lock your doors, it makes it harder to steal your hard earned money and property if they cant easly get in. Most criminals are looking for easy targets and will move from a locked home to an unlocked home most of the time, not all the time, but most. Never leave your purse, wallet, or change jars in plain view in your home. Hide them away in a safe location. Please lock your doors. I know it sounds extreme to some, but I lock my doors all the time, even when Im in my house, and I have a squad car in my driveway. I know we have some desperate people who will do some desperate things to get by. Take some time and make your home a hard target. Get good locks and use them, leave some outside lights on at night, leave some inside light on a timer if youre going to be gone, get a securty system, a dog, whatever you think will help deter people from taking your property. Take your smart phone or camera and make a video of all your belongings. open doors and drawers and record serial numbers when you can. All this information is helpful to us when investigating a theft. Please share this with everyone you know. If they dont have social media, take a few minutes and call everyone in your contact list and remind them to lock up. The few minutes it takes just might save someone you care about from having to rebuild after a loss. Stay safe, Lee
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 23:28:20 +0000

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