Thoughts from today’s online judging session….. 1. If you - TopicsExpress


Thoughts from today’s online judging session….. 1. If you are going to put two arms only moves in your routine – why not make one of them something other than a twisted grip? I want to see your versatility and your true power! 2. One spin, does not a routine make. Don’t neglect your spins even at advanced level, I love a good spin/flow combo! 3. If you only use your right arm, your movement is all clockwise – mix it up, work bilaterally, change direction, height, pace. 4. I LOVE a bit of light and shade – give me highs and lows, try not to stay all on one level throughout. 5. You know you rock that Butterfly – why not try to own it by giving me your own combination using it? Think about interesting and unique transitions, entries and exits from moves. 6. I know it sucks performing to a camera – but I am watching you at the other end of that video so perform to me! Involve me in your routine! Keep me entertained, enthralled, waiting to see what is going to come next! 7. Recognise that your new favourite trick may not quite be performance ready yet. Recognise that the latest move on the internet may not suit your body shape, recognise that you don’t have to do that super crazy power move to be ‘good’. To be good, give me moves that you can nail, moves that show you off and at the risk of sounding like a Nike Advert – be individual.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 18:53:48 +0000

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