Thoughts on Bachelor Juan Paul Galaviss gay commentary: Does - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on Bachelor Juan Paul Galaviss gay commentary: Does freedom of speech only apply to people who make offensive comments? Does it not apply to the people who disagree with them? If The Bachelor has a right to say what he wants to say, regardless of how misguided it is, dont we all have the right to disagree and slam him for saying it? Im tired of people using freedom of a speech as a way of protecting people from criticism for saying stupid things. It works both ways. As for the comments he made, I think his ideas are jumbled and confused. He contradicts himself (you cant not have a problem with gay people if you have a problem with gay people), and saying you have gay friends before more or less damning them is like saying Some of my best friends are black. And yes, Im going there because as a gay black man, its impossible not to link the gay experience with the black experience. There is no hierarchy of suffering and discrimination. I think lesbians in Africa who are raped and mutilated would certainly take issue with the offenses against them being deemed relatively minor just because Americans havent read about them in U.S. history books, and they arent dramatized in Oscar-nominated movies. You can choose to ignore the similarities between the way gays and blacks have historically and systematically been treated around the world, but that doesnt invalidate them. All that said, Im not necessarily inclined to take specific issue with Juan Pablos use of the word pervert. English obviously is not his first language, and he was clearly struggling with expressing himself on such a complicated topic in English. But if he does think that gay men are more promiscuous or perverted than straight men, he really needs to see The Wolf of Wall Street. Men are men. Its as simple as that.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 05:58:03 +0000

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