Three men appeared asking questions in Jerusalem. The bible called - TopicsExpress


Three men appeared asking questions in Jerusalem. The bible called them wise men from the east. They asked, where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him. The question stirred Herod the then king who called the religious leaders. They found the prophets word that Bethlehem was the place prophesied by the prophets, but it did not touch their minds that his going forth shall be of old, even from everlasting. They overlooked the prophets word, Behold your God, for the Lord would come as a shepherd feeding his flock. It is ironic that the wise men came with the intent to worship him, but the Jews to whom he came would reject him. Flashing back we find a virgin named Mary was visited by an angel who informed her she shall be with child and shall bring forth a SON WHO WOULD BE OF GREATNESS IN ISRAEL.. Her query, how can this be seeing I know not a man, was met with the answer, the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you and that holy thing that shall be born of you shall be called the son of God. He shall be great and the Lord God shall give to him the throne of his father David. She was also told that Jesus is the name she should call him. This son was the Saviour, Christ the Lord. So there we have it, this son would not be the son of another human male father as other sons, he would be the son of the Spirit who is God the Father. The bible gives us its own interpretation of this incident. When the child was born, the scriptures report, she brought forth her first born son and called his name Jesus. All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, Behold a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is God with us.. Yes, Jesus Christ, is the Lord from heaven; he is God manifest in the flesh; he is the Father making himself of no reputation and taking the body of the servant man and making himself in the likeness of men who are his creatures, his offspring. The first man failed and did not carry out the instructions and brought sin and death upon all. Good manifested a body, the seed of the woman, but not the seed of the man and brought salvation to humanity through the name he bore. He came to work the work of redemption and pay the debt we could not pay, so that he could give us the salvation we needed, bless the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All the mysteries for salvation is in him and the keys of salvation is contained in Acts 2.38 and the promise is to all who respond as shown in Acts 2. 37 - 42. Let all who desire, read and obey. No person need to be lost today. None need to be ignorant of how we should have remission of sins, because it all is laid out from the first message to the last. Whosoever will, may come and drink freely of the waters of life in the Lord Jesus.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:23:36 +0000

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